Anonymous ID: af60d3 Feb. 17, 2022, 1:03 a.m. No.15648396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410 >>8414



It is funny how project bluebook quietly ended after the Soviets were finally able to shoot down that pesky UFO violating their airspace… imagine their surprise after all our denials, that it was our U2 spy plane. Was probably an awkward conversation later at the embassy…


“On December 17, 1969, the Secretary of the Air Force announced the termination of Project BLUE BOOK, the Air Force program for the investigation of UFOS.

From 1947 to 1969, a total of 12, 618 sightings were reported to Project BLUE BOOK. Of these 701 remain "Unidentified." The project was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, whose personnel no longer receive, document or investigate UFO reports.”


“An international diplomatic crisis erupted in May 1960 when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space and captured its pilot, Francis Gary Powers (1929-77). Confronted with the evidence of his nation’s espionage, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) was forced to admit to the Soviets that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been flying spy missions over the USSR for several years.”


“We can’t do it now…”


“The Apollo landings were more than 45 years ago, yet it remains completely unprecedented as a technical achievement.

Nobody has come anywhere near to replicating what was achieved. Not even the Russians, who were years ahead of the US in the space race, ever came close.

Apollo sent 12 men 240,000 miles to the Moon and back, yet after the last mission in 1972, no other human being has ever travelled more than 400 miles above the surface of the Earth.

Despite being orders of magnitude more complex and dangerous than anything else ever attempted before or since, and despite sending men 600 times further than would ever be achieved again, Apollo’s safety record is miraculous.”

Anonymous ID: af60d3 Feb. 17, 2022, 2:57 a.m. No.15648623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8645 >>8700 >>8736



9/11 in five minutes


New York area fire commissioners have called for a new investigation into 9/11, claiming that "overwhelming evidence" of "pre-planted explosives…caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings." The Franklin Square and Munson Fire District outside of Queens, New York made history by becoming the first legislative body in the country to support a new investigation into the events of 9/11, according to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The resolution, read aloud and passed during a July 24, 2019 meeting and calling for the investigation was drafted by Commissioner Christopher Gioia and was unanimously approved by the five commissioners. 

According to Activist Post, Commissioner Christopher Gioia said: “We’re a tight-knit community and we never forget our fallen brothers and sisters. You better believe that when the entire fire service of New York State is on board, we will be an unstoppable force. We were the first fire district to pass this resolution. We won’t be the last."

~Zerohedge 404’d


On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars "unaccounted" for in the Pentagon budget. That amount was 7x the ENTIRE Pentagon budget for the year.

Only the government could lose their ENTIRE budget SEVEN times in one year AND get away with it!

The next day, three hijacked planes, reportedly flying at approximately 2x beyond the structural limits of their flight speed at sea level, crashed into WTC buildings and the Pentagon, destroying all the accounting records and there could be no further investigation.

These facts are NOT disputed among government officials.


What is happening here?

Shall we ask Robert Mueller? He was head of the FBI at the time and tasked with “investigating” the crime.


3000 architects and building

engineers agree.


The laws of physics

cannot be broken.


Newton’s three laws of motion and

Conservation of momentum PROVE that both towers and WTC 7 could NOT have fallen at free fall speed unless they met NO resistance as they fell.


Hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and structural steel had to be removed by demolition to achieve the observed actions in ALL three buildings.


free fall speed = demolition


unimpeachable fact


“We are now 18 years away from the U.S.-government-coordinated, Saudi-financed, Israeli-conducted, British-covered up terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

And, “YES!”, they were terrorist attacks except that they were carried out by the U.S. Federal Government and Armed Forces in tandem with the enemy foreign powers listed above.”