Be gone, demon. I cast you out of this relm and bind you to you hell with God's will through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Suck my big black dick, you have no idea what you are up against
At least there was a question…noise, anons…be best and beyond the noise.
You like? I can go all night. I can take you in and out of your minds without you even knowing….until it is too late.
Questions…do black male homos actually scare you? kek
This is just a movie, right I can be a big black tranny like Michelle Obama if I want! Right! Or I can be a little girl and vulnerable, right ? It is all just a big fucking game to them! THINK
This will definitely make us forget and distract us from their criminality!
do it. I'm fucking ready.
Everything you say is spot on, there is no argument. Will there be a reckoning? Will we, the people, be able to arise from this filth in which we have been existing?
NOISE…examples, for those of you who do not already know…
moar noise
you not noise, you anon
>Their plans are decades old.
This anon is not wrong, just a little too frothing at the mouth to be heard. Settle, anon, We got this…rather God has got this and will see us through.
No matter what?
First rule of anon, is there is no WE. Do not ever speak for anons.
>Nobody's "frothing at the mouth" but you.
Projection have always been your thing. Kudos that you manged for oh so long to dupe us into your reality….NOT SO NOW criminals, all of you. WE, the People, have awaoken to your criminality and to your schemes and you will be taken to task. ALL of you. There will be no Operation Paperclip this time. There is NO WAY OUT! YOU ARE GUILTY of crimes against humanity and you must be held responsible!
Your projections do not wok on me, demon.