Trucker Anons,
I fully support our cause and support you! However I would advise you on a few topics of importance regarding taking the PEACEFUL fight to Washington D.C.
The District of Columbia (D.C.) falls under Federal and Mayoral jurisdiction. i.e. Federal Troops, Agencies, National Guard, etc. There also are sticky gun laws they'll use against you but not their Hoodlum Minions. Basically it a Trap. Many of you have been to the area and know what I'm talking about.
With that said, the Interstate 495 (I-495) "Beltway" is a mich better choice for the effort. While being much larger in scope & geographic size, it SHUT IT DOWN! It will require the Maryland & Virginia Governors. You should have support from the New Virginian Governor or he will expose himself as a Shill.
Additionally, if you were to go into D.C. "Proper", they will sick their Hoodlums on you while restrictive would prevent you from protecting yourself. You would also be cut off from resupply for food/gas/support. While on the Beltway you would be able to receive this better.
God's Speed and God Bless You!