Anon concearnfags about present military, and how much is truly comprimised. Anon knew many within differing "Societies" - Anon was in an ambush orchestrated from an outside "All in black" - that imbed with American forces. Anon knows this shit is deeeep in officer ranks, possibly noncom upper echelan… Anyone with more experiances to add to the table? Like who fired all the mortars that missed our bases and we could never actually attack them because they shut down our air assets like 200 plus times each year anon was deployed… sigh
Its too sad we drifted so far that "defiling the word of god" and it seams like so many people are obsessed with "Micro-aggressions" like 4 letter words and they have no idea what they are really talking about.
Oh fascinating, I have not read this or anything on it…
What about the 17th book? Esther? (The two papal bulls book Bi-Ble) I'm following it, as if were living it now (Time in circle not in line)
I wonder how much the Summerian texts reflect these numbers. I realize the story reflects the characters within but I wonder how much the numbers reflect from dialect to dialect and theosophical background to background
Nice - I like the gnostic renditions like this - I think there are 4 groupings?
Uhh, well I see time as circular in nature - so I see the Bolshevic revolution is in line with what we are whitnessing but its also the same as when Jesus kicked the racketeers out of the synagog - Its all the same shit, just different words I guess. But I see time as circular in nature
You are well read - and its a crypto-jew that saves the day as well - such a fascinating story to watch unfold, or scary… Guess it all depends on what your views are of being inendated with the fear porn and if we can peak threw to see the silver lineing or not…
I did find it interesting that the book of Esther is the only book that does not meantion god. I, personally, think that this is because each individual is supposed to become their own god (Soverign citizen, free person, not a boat or cow) - I think thats part of the story anyway is the selfe realization and becoming soverign instead of being held under the weight of oppression and even anialation
>Seraphim / Cherubim
I ended up going to the Catholic church (I was raised in the church pretty hard core) - anyway - I wanted to answere the questions from the things I learned in the military. I tell yah, when the priest asked me "What are you doing here, given your background"
I replied: "I'm concearned about the congregation, the people"
I never saw such an angry finger wagging ass hole - he turned so savage so quickly and then said "We survived the Spanish Inquisition, and we will do it again"
Well, I guess that answered wheather or not this shit was at the lowest levels, I can assure you, it is - at least in my part of the world
Never heard this angle before - it sounds kinda like I may have heard parts of this, is the above literature contain this information?
Do you feel that this was a part of Jesus' message? I wonder quite a bit how much of the Bi-Ble was renditioned (or reconditioned) as a slave religion, like a golam for the Oshkanazi or whatever… Its not like Jesus started a religion at his time on earth - Its like Julius Ceaser did, or the individuals who murdered him like JFK and then venerated - these wack jobs today do the same and normies just "bow their heads" I guess
>Paratus Comitatus
Looks like we drifted in similar paths, what an interesting "coincidence" that people searching within themselves seem to come to the same conclusions…
@~~~~ Ego Sum
This sounds like a mental theory I worked with for a period of time - it coincides with the idea that everyone else but the jews are actually jews… That might be confusing..
How about this, when the "Hebrew Slaves" were freed from slavery, I don't think they were talking about the jews themselves, I think that could have been the Aryan folks under oppression from the pharoes - and that when the Bi-Ble refers to "Hebrew slaves" I look at this as a noun - as in they were owned by the Hebrew.
Does this train of thought coincide or am I being retarded?
Adamu (Adam) - red skinned man, that which all things were named from
I got really big into atomic language, shit I wish I could remember half of it LOL
This seems to make a lot of sense - I always comprehended the "harp" to be symbolic of rulership due to the nature of the symbology of the harp itself, but the bird adds a new element to it - I know I'll be phonfagging later and more dots will connect
The Lyre was an aincient instrament - I think it could have been the first…. I have been reading quite a bit how this culture utilized an advanced science of psychology and some form of vibrational science to "Keep the cattle in the pen" so to speak - its some fascinating material, to say the least - and now I wonder if this "David symbology: of the harp has some form of root in Sumerian/akkadian literature (well, clay tablets lol)
is that a noun, a verb? J/K much love (That shit hurts my brain but I hope it does the trick)
I think that over the past several years (jesus decades now) I have focused soooo much on "enemy" identification since I whitnessed the Mossad fuckery for myself - I'm not gonna go into detail but those fuckers were there coordinating hits on myself and my men, and the hits were orchestrated with children and an obvious glow nigger pushing their man buttens to get the kids to engage us - I didn't realize that the dude in all black was a total forigner until after the attack and subsequent 3 hour de-brief which I never saw such a sophisticated attack from children with flip flops on. Anyway - yeah - and the fact that my "Commander" who was freshly promoted that day (Jew, did I even have to say?) and his little friend - all black, fits perfect israeli mossad uniform…. However, due to our "Alliance" I trained with Israeli folks, and Ukrainians too
Ezekials wheel - Almost see some big dipper/four seasons type going on there :)
The Catholic church owns time - or at least thats their racket… I see this as a part of our mental enslavement, at least until we recognize that there is a cycle (kinda like news cycle) that lulls us to sleep like schools of fish… Damn, I should have posted like this forever ago - there's so much connected to this and current events its crazy
I could get into numbers and dates and a whole lot of shit but I'd doxx myself with it. Ad fucked up as it all is, I'm glad I'm not the only one… That didn't sound too Sociopathic, I hope
It just pisses me off to know for a fact that we were over there to setup a pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa Israel - I watched the troops leave and maintained my station in Kirkuk - when I descovered the pipeline issue, and then one of my soldiers got shot by a 5.56 - and our enemy didn't carry that and supposedly none of our guys even fired a round - long fucking story… Dude let me be honest - I think the chain of command was setting up our soldiers the entire time we were there, and the ones who did it appeared to be a part of the club of rome
Oh, I'm quite sure I have similar stories to many many anons on this board. I'm well aware of my brothers on here
have you obtained your freedom papers? I'll admit I'm a slowfag here… "Safety in numbers?" and I'm not overly educated in the language - I'm dedicated, just kinda got a brain injury and some of this shit just flies right over anons head LOL
Just like the seals - I get stuck in a paper world, not sure what a 7th dimension would look like, well.. Maybe a few things may have introduced me to the 7th dimension but shit, not like I could understand anything under the influence of DMT LOL!
If you could share your experiance with the learn't material and what differences it has made for you in real world - like did you attempt this with a mortage? Anon here was so fucking pissed he became a Realtor just to try comprehending the fuckery that went on whilst in the service - I really do think this is the route (And I kinda learned about him at a school, but there wasnt that much material there)
"The Anunnaki of Nibiru"
If one were to perform the Claim of life - would they still be a part of the old system? Would this be sortof a One foot in the circle and one foot out? Like one on land and one on sea sort of ideal? I guess I'm confused as to what legal status someone would maintain from their old life to their new life - like would it abolish old contracts? If so, how does the carpenter who built my house get paid? I guess I just have simple people questions but I have my family drilling me about Claim of Life and one of my children are 17 right now and I certainly don't want his ass being drafted either unless he chooses to serve than I'm cool with that… Does this claim of life certify a free person? And what would that mean for something like car payments and mortages? I can't see just simply whiping them out.,.. And the current banking war - how would I secure monies from one system to another? (Quantom)
I comprehend - I'm not looking for an easy out of anything - I just know there is a there there but the public does not appear to be ready for such "Drastic" measures - I kinda wish I was educated a bit more about this but I was kinda just entering the fray as this story was just being discovered amongst a few military groups I was affiliated with. I never knew where the story went after that, just kinda knew "there was a guy" and that really makes me want to super duper confirm - I think I might push myself threw the course material sooner than later
This is helpful - thank you, Anon
Ive been pretty active for everyone else lately, maybe I should take some time out from the social engineering aspect of all this and comprehend this material well enough to speak intelligiantly about it. I feel I owe that to Mr. Rus…
Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Its like gnomes, Seraphim, Salamander, and something else - this is taught somewhere around the portals grade within the hermetic order of the golden dawn