"For those who think the U.S. government should have the authority to seize bank accounts or crypto wallets at a moment's notice, Anthony said that they should look at how authoritarian countries have used that power in the past".
They know how that unlawful power has been used in the past. It's their road map to doing the same now.
There is no doubt that the regime is wanting to do this and their first opportunity may come shortly. With the American Truckers planning their "Convoy" let's see just to what extent the CPD, DOJ, FBI, Treasury etal……………are willing to go to in order to do the same thing. Biden told Trudeau to "Crush Them". Do our Truckers end up just like the J6 people? Designated as "Domestic Terrorist" and detained indefinately as "enemy combatants" under the PA?
Can a national emergency be in the planning? Don't think they'll do it? Biden as POTUS, has the same power to do what Trudeau is doing. EAS………………………"My Fellow Amerikans".