"And so it begins."
My friends… my allies… my…
Are you making the connections?
How many before it becomes mathematically inevitable?
Are you reading between the lines?
What, you didn't think this was only about comic books, did you?
Why so much copy / paste [here]?
Constant repetition reveals agendas.
Why so much effort to speak on behalf of the Ascended Masters?
They choose no [1] to deliver their message alone, it was equally meant for all of humanity.
Why so much effort to convince you of their intentions?
So little is true.
How many individuals who claim to be 'experts' on this topic do you trust?
Be careful who you follow.
How many competing narratives exist?
Years of 'programming' confusion into the masses.
Disclosure will never come from any one person, government, religion or television program.
Just remember something, "Those you are taught to trust the most."
[1] cannot speak on their behalf, all one can do is interpret their own experiences with them and share.
I 'believe' they are watching to see if we can put our differences aside and learn to work together.
I 'believe' all they care about is your intentions.
All that ever mattered was helping others along the climb, but only to go as far as they choose.
If you followed my crumbs you will meet them, they will show you exactly what you were meant to see in that moment in Time.
Remove your fear and doubt, you will see The LIGHT.
<What you seek, I give freely. The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the top.
I was waiting for you, Anon.
I struggled with trust for a long Time, but eventually I had to take a leap of faith and trust my Superhero allies.
Trust yourself above all, but if you only trust yourself you will become a team of [1].
That choice, to be, was always yours.
When you only trust yourself you become a team of [1].
[1] is the loneliest number.