Anonymous ID: 5a5a75 Feb. 20, 2022, 5:18 a.m. No.15673252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Powerful speech made in Okanagon, BC by a woman who lived through and defeated communism during her time in Romania

"The government only has as much power as we give them!"


Pray for our enemies too anons… I'm starting to realize this too. In her speech she mentions how after they defeated the dictator in Romania, another one took his place. It turns out that the replacement ended up being a patriot. Patriots are infiltrated but God has his vessels in place too and can awaken anyone at anytime.

Anonymous ID: 5a5a75 Feb. 20, 2022, 5:26 a.m. No.15673289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3319


No, Canadian media outlets suck Biden dick and licks his balls too. Canadians in general don't like Trump, even the people I've met that are red-pilled on globalism don't like him.


A lot of gen-x in Canada have boomer trauma and millennials are actually well put together here but are too naive and trust 'the experts' without much questioning.


I don't even know how this convoy occurred but it's definitely Canadians that live out of the major liberal cities.

Anonymous ID: 5a5a75 Feb. 20, 2022, 5:44 a.m. No.15673359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3441 >>3857


I can't speak for other countries but in general people work really hard in Canada. Our immigrants are competitive and are trying to earn their spot here. Laziness is not appreciated, if you suck at your job you're fired; if you're not borderline sub 85 retarded levels IQ you'll find a job.


Education is basically free here and if you're really struggling there are so many grants.


People are just tired of working so hard and not seeing the fruit from their labor because it's being stolen. Most people in Canada are well-travelled or have visited their homelands. So they have a contrast in their minds and it's only take time for people to realize that Canada should be no where near what their Homelands have become but here we are.

Anonymous ID: 5a5a75 Feb. 20, 2022, 6:26 a.m. No.15673581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3700


Yeah I'm a first gen immigrant to Canada from Bulgaria, moved here when I was 4 with a single mother. Long story short, my biological father was/is an abusive alcoholic demon so my mother fled to the other side of the country to run away from him.


Anyways, my mother loves Canada and made sure I assimilated and followed the rules of law and traditions here because not only did my mother escape my dad but she also survived communism so she knew what she had here and didn't want to bring that garbage with her and reminded me constantly to appreciate what I had. There are so many stories like mine here in Canada and I love that they shared their stories with me as I carry them in my heart.


Canada deserves all those kind words, they've been so good to me personally and many other people, the kindness of Man is overwhelming. All those friendly Canadians you see on the livestreams are for real, they're like that off-camera too, just very resilient people even in harsh/stressful situations. I'll make the argument that Canadian humor is unmatched which is how we make it through. :D


Again, I can mainly speak for Canada, but I've travelled around the world a decent amount including the US and there are good people everywhere! God bless humanity.

Anonymous ID: 5a5a75 Feb. 20, 2022, 7:23 a.m. No.15673907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


o7, we're gunna win and always will, it just takes some sacrifice.



I think you're referring to liberal arts and law schools but tech and trades schools are covered in Canada too. Getting 2-4 year schooling as an Electrician, plumber, carpenter which as apprenticeships included in the programs gives you a massive advantage. Always worth getting some sort of certificate and actually paying attention in class.