If you allow them to vaccinate you they see that as consent. It's what they can get away with in their courts that matters. That's why the blanket immunity for the manufacturers of the poisons. It's absurd to give immunity and then allow them to inject an experimental potion into an entire population, but they know the corrupt courts will honor that bogus immunity.
We're at war.
The Parliament empowers Turdeau. The Emergencies Act violates the Charter of Rights. The Parliament is the disease, Turdeau is just a symptom.
Parliament is the problem.
In the US the CONgress has always been the problem. A chamber full of men who are easily bought turning thelaws into weapons against us. It's time for the whole world to wake from its slumber.
Parliament is the problem. If they answered to the people and not some sketchy foreign entity, Canada wouldn't be suffering from the TYRANNY THAT THE PARLIAMENT CLEARLY ENDORSES WITH ITS CONTINUED ACQUIESENCE
Remember her name. Nasim
They is the all the nations' congresses that empower the tyranny against us with their mountain of laws.
The Masonic judges and Masonic politicians who empower them are pedophiles?
Thank god we have those watchdog representatives in the US CONgress to protect us from the evil machinations of a global depopulation strategy. Where would we be without them?
>DR. DAVID MARTIN: “Weaponized ‘COVID’ Injections Have Seriously Harmed And Killed Many - While Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials Continue To Lie And Terrorize The Public”
>But Dr. Fauci came to the rescue. The U.S. NIAID and NIH were actively developing new, more deadly SARS Coronaviruses—later in collusion with the CCP in China—all funded by the United States.
Thank god we have a watchdog US CONgress to protect us from a global depopulation strategy.
Trust is earned, fool. Fuck you paycheck and fuck your pension. THAT is who you serve.
>Make this make sense.
Contact your Representative and ask him. Surely, he has the answers.
Maybe it isn't a link to a content site, but a visitor logger? The Tribe likes to use that to gather intel on their enemies.
I don't worship welfare cunts. Thay empower a tyranny formed against us. We would be better off without a standing army in our way.