Tennessee shit.
*** with an accent because they stole it.
My great grandpa used to call me Shadrack.
Now I can't go into a closet and pray. Please, God know my heart. I'm going to act a fool.
Time to mask up!
They is a song Pligger
Remember who fought for your rights when you didn't have the words.
I love all you nuggets all colors. I'm a nigger too.
I'm more the alpha delta than a nigger, but I'll fight for you just like I always have. The View bitches wanted me to claim my race because they couldn't tell from my internet history. Stop dividing us by color. That is my job.
>and what % of the "lost forever" do you think will ever believe
The interest on your loan.
4 to 6 % is better than you deserve.
They're on old Baxter road.
French bitches, AIR?
What could 38 and 45 have in common @ 47? Stupid math.
No shit. My floor is littered with that faggot ass shit.
Did my godcast offend you? Take it up with the ones who pay my bills faggot ass nigger tranny bitch?
Oh hi
And then?
Life imitating art.
All my life I thought a red thread was what Jesus said on the internet. Turns out, I was something something let then feds watch.
So you really thought that was a message to you, and not just a message from AI to me?
The clichรฉ behind the 8 ball was created for moments like this. I never cared what color you were, nigger.
I love this song BTW. I don't care if you don't like me.
Never forget tom petty earned a doctorate in music from Harvard.
Good on you nigger.
It's not gay if I say I like Zach and Tom.
It's also only half true if I say the got a new album.
Promos go both ways.
Get it?
I'm sorry. I had salt between my truth from being such a cracker. Please help 34 between 9 and 10 pm.
Okay. Hit up John meloncamp and Bruce, but I'm a racist?
C before D and a HA nigga
Okay. You lead us in song