Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:14 a.m. No.15681235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Chinese bought Qwant, bad move, very bad.


French search engine entering China market -


It has also joined hands with Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and bought servers from Huawei. Speaking of Qwant's future plan, Leandri said: "In the…

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:22 a.m. No.15681253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1254 >>1255 >>1257 >>1258 >>1259 >>1260 >>1305 >>1516

Vindicated! State Dept. email showing $7 million bribe was withheld from Trump’s impeachment defense team


The following contains editorial content which is the opinion of the writer.


The Epoch Times is reporting that according to a 2016 State Department email, the US government received information from a source in Ukraine which said that Burisma, the Ukrainian-based energy firm that gave Hunter Biden a sweet position on its board, allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office.


George Kent, an official within the State Department was called to testify at the 2020 impeachment trial of former President Trump, however never mentioned or disclosed the information from that 2016 email.


The email was mentioned in a Sept 18, 2020, Senate Homeland Security report, however, wasn’t publicly released until earlier this month. It states that Kent, then the deputy chief of mission in Kyiv, Ukraine, was advised by Ukraine’s deputy general prosecutor that Burisma paid a $7 million bribe to put an end to a 2014 corruption investigation into the company.


Kent’s email, the Times reported, was also addressed to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Jorgan Andrews, and warned that Hunter Biden’s role at Bursima, which was during the time when Joe Biden was Obama’s vice president, was undermining US government endeavors to get a handle on corruption in the easter European nation.


Kent wrote, “Hunter’s presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message” emanating from Washington, DC. Kent also noted that “Ukrainians heard one message from us,” however saw the Biden family’s “association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules.”


All of this came about starting in 2014, when Victoria Nuland, then the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs under Obama’s State Department spoke with then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, a conversation which was intercepted and leaked to the BBC.


During that call, Nuland, now Biden’s undersecretary of state for political affairs, and Pyatt seemed to be discussing the ouster of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the installation of opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk as prime minister.


During that conversation, Nuland said that Jake Sullivan, then serving as Biden’s national security adviser (a role which he now holds in the Biden administration) told her “You need Biden,” whereby she concluded telling Pyatt that “Biden’s willing.”


Biden ended up being appointed by Obama as his “point man” on Ukraine in February 2014.

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:22 a.m. No.15681254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260


That same month, on Feb. 22, 2014, Yanukovych was removed as president of Ukraine, while three days later, the candidate favored by Nuland—Yatsenyuk—was installed as Ukraine’s prime minister.


The Biden’s involvement with Burisma is believed to have begun on April 16, 2014, when Joe Biden mete Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, at the White House.


While it isn’t known what was discussed at that meeting, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine on April 21, 2014, to offer not only political support but to open America’s wallet to the tune of $50 million in aid to the new government. After Biden’s visit, Petro Poroshenko, a billionaire politician, was elected president of Ukraine on May 25, 2014.


Biden developed a close relationship with both men, and later helped Ukraine secure a four-year $17.5 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) package in March 2015.


It was during Biden’s Ukraine visit in April 2014 when Archer joined Burisma’s board. Later that month, Hunter Biden was also added to the board, however for unknown reasons, his appointment wasn’t announced until the middle of May, 2014.


At the same time, Burisma announced Hunter Biden had been appointed as head of the company’s legal unit, an announcement which has since been scrubbed from the company’s website. The $7 million bribe was allegedly paid while Hunter Biden was in charge of Burisma’s legal affairs.


In a strange case of “coincidence,” Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board came as Burisma came under investigation by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office.


The probe came about because Burisma’s owner, Nikolai Zlochevsky, the country’s former minister of ecology, had been able to obtain what was described as an “unusually large” number of permits to extract oil and gas, “many of which he appeared to have received during his time as minister.”


The investigation opened in April 2014, when the Prosecutor General’s office began investigating Burisma after British authorities had frozen $23.5 million in assets belonging to Zlochevsky as part of an investigation into money laundering. This is when Archer and Hunter Biden suddenly found themselves appointed to Burisma’s board. Irony? Or merely “impeccable timing?”


Kent’s email noted that after the $7 million bribe was paid, Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, Vitaly Yarema issued a letter to the London court in December 2014 which stated that “there was no active case open on Zlochevsky.” The frozen assets were then released to him.


Yarema resigned on Feb 9, 2015, after pressure came to bear over his failure to prosecute any officials in the former Yanukovych administration.


The new prosecutor named was Viktor Shokin, who was brought out of retirement by Poroshenko. A former prosecutor, he was appointed the day after Yarema’s resignation, which met at least initially with approval by American officials.

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:23 a.m. No.15681255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260


In June 2015, Nuland wrote Shokin telling him that “[w]e have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anti-corruption agenda of your government.” That letter was delivered by Pyatt to Shokin on orders from Nuland.


Nuland further praised Shokin, noting that his ongoing reforms showed his ability to “investigate and prosecute corruption and other crimes in an effective, fair and transparent manner.”


Pyatt continued the Shokin praise-fest, saying in a September 2015 speech that “[w]e want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin” because he was “leading the fight against corruption” in Ukraine.


He also gushed that the $23 million in frozen Burisma assets, returned to the company’s owner Zlochevsky through the actions of Shokin’s predecessor were “illicit” and “belonged to the Ukrainian people.”


The love-fest with Shokin continued through October 2015, when Pyatt tweeted about overcoming corruption in Ukraine in collaboration with Shokin.


The honeymoon started to come crashing down not long after Hunter Biden received an email from the head of Burisma’s board, Vadym Pozharskyi on Nov. 2, 2015. In that email, Pozharskyi demanded Hunter Biden produce what he called “deliverables,” stating that the “ultimate purpose” was to “close down any cases or pursuits” against Burisma’s owner in Ukraine.


Quite “ironically,” Pozharskyi had visited with Joe Biden in Washington, DC earlier that year.


The object of Pozharskyi’s wrath appeared to be Shokin, who reopened the investigation into Zlochevsky, which had been sidelined by Yarema. In addition, Shokin attempted (albeit unsuccessfully) to obtain a court order from Ukrainian courts to seize Zlochevsky’s assets, which were eventually seized on Feb. 2, 2016.


The Epoch Times further noted that on the same day Hunter Biden received Pozharskyi’s email, Hunter contacted Amos Hochstein, Obama’s special envoy and coordinator of international energy affairs.


Four days later, on Nov. 6, Hunter met with Hochstein, which occurred within mere hours of receiving Pozharskyi’s dictates, which is striking. Congressional investigators later learned from Hochstein that Hunter “wanted to know my views on Burisma and Zlochevsky.”


All of this occurred right around the time that Joe Biden was going to be making a trip to Ukraine. Nuland told congressional investigators that Hochstein had expressed anxiety over Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma specifically to Joe Biden during the flight to Ukraine on Dec. 7, 2015.

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:23 a.m. No.15681257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260



ON Nov. 22, 2015, Joe Biden demanded the removal of Shokin as prosecutor investigating Burisma. This occurred only two weeks before his trip to Ukraine, and just three weeks after Hunter was given his instructions that the cases against Zlochevsky needed to basically go away.


Despite Biden’s demands that Shokin be fired, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko initially pushed back against the directive, and the prosecutor was not fired during Biden’s December 2015 visit.


However just weeks later, on Jan. 21, 2016, Joe Biden again met with Poroshenko in Washington. A readout of the meeting shows the two discussed ‘the need to continue to move forward on Ukraine’s anti-corruption agenda.”


Biden achieved his goal in March 2016 when Shokin was fired, however only after he was able to hold U.S. taxpayer loans over Poroshenko’s head in exchange for firing him.


Most people have by now seen the viral video of Joe Biden speaking at a Council of Foreign Relations conference on Jan. 23, 2018. Now as most people who have followed Joe Biden know, he is a human gaffe machine and has little self-control over what comes out of his mouth. Remember Corn Pop?


Anyway, during that interview with The Atlantic, Biden was recalling his conversation with the Ukrainian president:


“Petro, you’re not getting your billion dollars. It’s OK, you can keep the [prosecutor] general. Just understand—we’re not paying if you do.”


Just months after Shokin was kicked to the curb, Blue Star Strategies, a Washington, D.C.-based political consultancy firm approached his interim successor, Yuriy Sevruk.


Blue Star is headed by Bill Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Karen Tramontano. Pushed by Hunter Biden, Burisma hired Blue Star in November 2015, just after he was told to shut down the cases against Zlochevsky.


As if the web isn’t tangled enough, it gets worse. Blue Star joined up with John Buretta, a former senior Obama Justice Department official and New York-based attorney. Kent’s email noted that an official from Blue Star told him that the company “did not represent Nikolai’s interests in the U.S., since he had retained separate legal counsel.”


On the exact same day Shokin was fired, March 29, 2016, Buretta attempted to contact Sevruk, Shokin’s interim replacement, as reported at the time by The Hill.


The Hill reported that Blue Star’s outreach to Sevruk included tasking a staff member at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, DC., Andrii Telizhenko, to facilitate a meeting with Sevruk.

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:23 a.m. No.15681258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260


That meeting, which took place in Ukraine on April 6, 2017, also included Buretta and Tramontano to speak with the interim prosecutor. Shortly after that meeting, Sevruk was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko as Ukraine’s new prosecutor, which pleased Joe Biden, who called him “solid.”


This was around the same time that Joe Biden met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman on June 15, 2016, and announced plans to commit an additional $220 million to Ukraine.


After all of this occurred, the investigations into Burisma and Zlochevsky were amazingly shut down over the course of a couple of months and in mid-January 2017, Burisma announced that it had been cleared of all legal proceedings against it, as well as the case against Zlochevsky.


After the Burisma investigations were closed, Joe Biden once again flew to Ukraine, in this case only days before he left the vice presidency. That was his sixth trip to the country in three years, Epoch Times reported.


Think of all that occurred just to get the investigation into Burisma closed—bribing of a prosecutor, firing his replacement, numerous meetings with an interim prosecutor, pressure on a fourth but finally the cases were dropped.


All of this came about after Hunter Biden, with zero experience in the energy sector, was placed on Burisma’s board to the tune of $83,333 a month, or $1 million per year, according to the New York Post.


Is it mere irony that all of this occurred while Joe Biden was vice president and in a position to strong-arm Ukraine into dropping the investigation into Burisma? Or is it corruption? Hunter Biden’s position on the Burisma board were suddenly cut in half after President Trump was inaugurated and Joe Biden was of no further use to Burisma.


The point of much of this goes back to the first impeachment of the former president. The fact that Kent’s email was only recently made available as opposed to during the impeachment hearings, it would have vindicated much of what Trump was impeached for. Namely that initial investigations into Burisma were terminated when the original prosecutor was bribed, and the fact that it took place while Hunter Biden was in charge of Burisma’s legal affairs.


Likewise it would have vindicated Trump who accused Hunter Biden of being corrupt, and also his claim that Joe Biden had pressured Ukraine into firing Shokin, who had reopened the investigations into Burisma.

Anonymous ID: 70d682 Feb. 21, 2022, 3:23 a.m. No.15681259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1260



That evidence—that of the alleged bribing of the Ukrainian prosecutor Yarema—was held back from Trump’s impeachment team in early 2020, with the evidence not being entered during the hearings.


And, as we all know, the mainstream media colluded to suppress the events surrounding the Burisma situation during the 2020 presidential campaign.


While Kent’s email was unknown during Trump’s first impeachment, the email from Pozhyarskyi to Hunter directing him to close down any cases against Burisma was released just three weeks before the 2020 election.


While some media outlets actually reported on that email and related events, including Joe Biden’s false claim that he “knew nothing” about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the mainstream media, as well as social media colluded to suppress the story, knowing it would possibly hurt their preferred candidate, Joe Biden.


Likewise, the intelligence community engaged in a partisan attempt to paint the information as “Russian disinformation.”


In addition, Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray remained silent in the leadup to the election, despite the fact the FBI had taken possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop which contained many of the salacious emails in December 2019.


Once the 2020 election was secured for Joe Biden, Hunter Biden released a statement in which he admitted being under investigation for “tax affairs.” However despite Hunter Biden’s statement, the investigation was, in fact, much broader than what he admitted to, with the feds “probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties.”


The media of course accomplished their job. Since they had engaged in a blackout of the story and those who didn’t watch Newsmax, Fox News or OANN and perhaps read the New York Post were unaware, many voted for old “lunch bucket Joe.”


A poll taken late in 2020 showed that 45 percent of those who voted for Biden were completely unaware of the allegations against the Bidens. Many said had they known, they would not have voted for Joe Biden.