The Hive Mind of Leviathan
…"This is something that the paleocons never anticipated. They saw the administrative state as a leviathan that served the interests of the managerial elite. The network of people at the top had control of the system. Instead, it seems to have evolved into an organism that has agency of its own. The people at the top are not masters of the universe steering the system, but captives hanging on for dear life."
Like a living system, its focus is on self-perpetuation, which means most of its integrated parts are weaponized. We saw this with the Jan. 6 protests. The media, tech companies, and banking swung into action in defense of the system. Before the security nodes could activate, these other nodes were providing cell phone data, internet traffic, and credit card transactions to the collective mind of the system.
We are seeing the same thing with the Canada trucker protest. The whole system has been mobilized to address what it views as an attack. Banks, corporations, and the media are doing much of the heavy lifting. Outside of Canada, there is close to a media blackout as a defense against possible protests. The American media is refusing to cover a story north of the border because they view it as a threat.
Cogently Identifies the emergence a Beast.