Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
Updated Feb 14, 2022
"So if we supposedly go to war with Russia over Ukraine (and Crimea)… Biden will be caught in an EMPEROR’S NO CLOTHES scenario where halfway through the effort … he will be left without any real military to back him up…and OUR MILITARY WILL BE FORCED INTO THE OPEN to admit that our COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS TRUMP… since March 2021.
This situation will be the ‘cuban missile crisis’ moment Juan has been talking about for a few months now. And made possible legally according to the Law of War Manual … which says that a belligerent occupier will be deposed after 1 year… and have to state who they are working for (what government/cartel ie. China) in the process.
A sort of checkmate.
Our country will be in a stalemate unable to ACT unless and until the military come forward to force Biden and whatever small military force who are still loyal to him to back down.
Because Putin will be forced to deal with the only real power running America in order to negotiate a peace. Trump.
And the election results will simply be the proof. Especially the dominion server evidence. Evidence which is already clear and can be assessed in minutes by any AI worth its name…."