Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 4:31 a.m. No.15752029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2034 >>2037 >>2048 >>2051 >>2061 >>2175 >>2224 >>2238 >>2411 >>2552 >>2596



When did the chan Biolabs theory start? Website in the pic has this article from Feb 25.


US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens


By Matt Field | February 25, 2022


A research lab in Kyiv, Ukraine built by the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. Credit: Defense Threat Reduction Agency


The Russian invasion of Ukraine may put at risk a network of US-linked labs in Ukraine that work with dangerous pathogens, saidRobert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a 30-year-old Defense Department program that has helped secure the former Soviet Union’s weapons of mass destruction and redirect former bioweapons facilities and scientists toward peaceful endeavors.


The labs in Ukraine are not bioweapons facilities. The US government maintains that they are public and animal health labs operated by host countries. Although a long-running Russian disinformation campaign has painted a picture of a network of US military labs in Ukraine, Georgia, and other former Soviet republics involved in bioweapons or risky research, Pope said the labs conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance. Outside experts have also said Pope’s program is not a covert bioweapons operation.


While the United States isn’t maintaining bioweapons facilities, Pope said, war could put pathogen collections in Ukraine at risk.


“I would say from every facility that we have worked with them in, we have confidence that as long as the electrical power is turned on and the people we have trained are present at the facility, the biosafety officers, that these pathogens are safe and secure to international standards,” Pope said. “Should these facilities be damaged by conflict, that could change.”


The pathogens with which the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program labs work are generally kept frozen, so they can’t replicate and become infectious. The risk the pathogens pose would increase if a building lost power and suffered damage. “If you lose the electrical power, the pathogens in the freezers warm up,” he said. “If the ventilation system is damaged, or the building itself is damaged, and these now ambient-temperature pathogens are able to escape the facility, then they can be potentially infectious in the region around the facility.”


Although Russian officials and media have misrepresented the US-supported labs in Ukraine and other former Soviet countries in disinformation campaigns, Pope doesn’t believe the Russians will deliberately aim weapons at the labs during the invasion.


“I think the Russians know enough about the kinds of pathogens that are stored in biological research laboratories that I don’t think they would deliberately target a laboratory,” Pope said. “But what I do have concerns about is that they would … be accidentally damaged during this Russian invasion.”


The invasion could also provide fodder for new disinformation narratives around the labs, Pope feared. The Russians, he said, “could potentially go to one of these facilities and fabricate something that they call evidence of nefarious activity at the facility.”


The pathogens in Ukrainian labs vary by facility, Pope said, but some can be characterized as presenting a concern in the Ukrainian environment. As an example, he cited African swine fever virus, which is highly contagious in pigs and has caused hundreds of outbreaks in Ukraine since 2012. Some labs, he said, may hold pathogen strains left over from the Soviet bioweapons program, preserved in freezers for research purposes.



Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 4:38 a.m. No.15752051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2080 >>2175 >>2224 >>2238 >>2251 >>2411 >>2596


>I screen shotted that map on 2/24…so had to be 2/24 at 7:00a or before…

possible confirmation then?



>US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens

<Outside experts have also said Pope’s program is not a covert bioweapons operation.

It's just Nazis with Bioweapons.

Support muh Ukraine or you're a Russian bot.

Because outside experts and Politifact– said these aren't bioweapons labs.


“There is no place that still has any of the sort of infrastructure for researching or producing biological weapons,” Pope said. “Scientists being scientists, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these strain collections in some of these laboratories still have pathogen strains that go all the way back to the origins of that program.”


The program is encouraging host countries to reduce the scope of their pathogen holdings to as small of a collection as necessary for legitimate scientific research, Pope said.


“What we have today and what these countries maintain are small amounts of various pathogens that by and large are things that are collected out of their environment that they need for research to be able to legitimately surveil disease and develop vaccines against,” he said.


This work, Pope said, continued in Ukraine until recently. They have more pathogens in more places than we recommend,” he said. The program had been helping Ukrainian researchers sift through their frozen pathogen collections, with the goal of persuading the Ukrainians to preserve their genetic information of samples via sequencing before destroying the live samples.


Pope said his program had been close to an agreement with the Ukrainians on consolidating samples,but the invasion has now made that project uncertain. “All of that, obviously, has been derailed here with the recent events,” he said.


The Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, Pope said Thursday, has not had contact with biosafety staff at the labs in Ukraine since the Russian invasion. Phone lines have been jammed in Ukraine, he said, and “I don’t know what kind of contact we will have in these labs in the near future.”


Some Ukrainian labs, like the Ukrainian Ministry of Health’s Public Health Center, Pope said, are major facilities, others small. Some are new, while others date back to the Soviet-era and the country’s bioweapons program.


The US government has worked with26 facilities in Ukraine. Before the invasion, the program provided direct material support to six Ukrainian labs. The program also provides biosafety and scientific mentorship training to Ministry of Health personnel throughout the country.

Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 5:16 a.m. No.15752173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2179


>I wonder if this where Fauci's Beagle puppies were subjected to their torture from those sandflies.. Sick freaks.


Funny you should mention.

Found this yesterday morning digging into that biolab thread.


all pb


<Sand fly experiments.

<Where have I heard that before?













Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 5:36 a.m. No.15752251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2257 >>2265 >>2456 >>2487




>do any tie to EcoHealth or MetaBiota? That would be a home run…

Nice logo you have there Defense Threat Reduction Agency

These faggots investigated themselves. They did nothing wrong.

Hand wringing intensifies




The U.S. Government responds to false allegations targeted at the DoD CTR Program.


Premiered Jan 11, 2022






714 subscribers

The Department of Defense's Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR), executed by Defense Threat Reduction Agency, aims to peacefully reduce biological threats around the globe but certain countries try to falsely undermine and discredit the program's efforts to do so. Take a look at the below video to hear how the United States formally responded to the false allegations targeted at the CTR program.

Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 6:11 a.m. No.15752456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2487


>Nice logo you have there Defense Threat Reduction Agency






Why the UK should remove Ukrainian trident from list of extremist symbols

Why the UK should remove Ukrainian trident from list of extremist symbols


Source: oboitut


The Signs & Symbols Aid poster composed by British Counter Terrorism Policing has already become notorious for including Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, and Campaign Against Arms trade among right- and left-wing terrorist and extremist organizations. The officials commented that “not all of the signs and symbols noted within this document are of counter-terrorism interest”. Nonetheless, Ukrainian state emblem just as emblems of mentioned above organizations is placed in the document of “counter-terrorism policing” with the precise call to report any concerns related to these symbols by the provided contacts.


The most important question of why and how the inclusion of trident to this guide became possible remains speculative. Yet, to include a symbol of a sovereign state to such a list requires very thorough political argumentation. While an official response to the letter of the Ukrainian embassy in the UK gives little clarification so far, such a mixture of absolutely different signs & symbols in the official guide reveals ignorance or negligence in the work of the agency.


Here is a short history and explanation of the interpretations of the Ukrainian trident as well as the reaction of all sides on the occasion.

How was the trident included in the poster?


The Ukrainian trident (tryzub), historically also referred to as trinity (triytsia) is the national symbol and official coat of arms of Ukrainian state. However, in the poster of British Counter Terrorism Policing, the trident is placed among the typical __neo-nazi or III Reich __symbols, implying that it has a similar meaning. Under the photo of a tattoo with Ukrainian trident, the caption says “Ukrainian trident (Nationalist)”. Due to ambiguous meaning of the word “nationalism” in contemporary society, as well as due to the context of other dubious symbols in the report, the trident is interpreted as an extremist symbol while nothing is said about the fact that it is the official coat of arms of Ukraine.

Ukrainian trident (Tryzub) in the right down corner of the section tattoos in the poster. ~


Ukrainian trident (Tryzub) in the right down corner of the section tattoos in the poster.


The poster was used as an annex for the longer 24-page guide that was disseminated among school teachers, medical staff as well as University lecturers as part of the campaign for the prevention of terrorism and radicalization.


The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry and, in particular, Ukraine’s Embassy to the UK, consider this case “beyond outrageous.” “No explanations acceptable. We demand Trident to be removed from Guide with official apologies,” says the twitter of Ukraine’s Embassy to the UK

2020/01/21 - 16:36 • History, International

Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 6:17 a.m. No.15752487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2517



Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign affairs has also submitted its statement to the UK and commented:


The State Emblem of Ukraine originated at the times of the Kyivan Rus and represents one of the symbols of unity of the Ukrainian people. It is widely used by Ukrainian public authorities and the society alike. Any linking of the State Emblem of Ukraine to extremism is offensive to millions of people in Ukraine and abroad. We are currently expecting an official comment by the British Foreign Office and police. We proceed from understanding that it will be publicised promptly. In case the aforementioned fact is confirmed, we demand exclusion from the guide of the national symbols of Ukraine.


Supporting these official statements, the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain has also submitted its very strict letter to the Senior National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism Policing demanding that trident is excluded from the guide.


In its response, the UK recognized and regretted the insult made to Ukraine. However, “no clear answer to a simple question: whether the Trident, constitutional national symbol and Coat of Arms of Ukraine, will be removed from the Extremism Guide. Seeking more clarification from the British side” wrote Ukraine’s Embassy.


Alongside with trident, the poster also included the emblem of Ukrainian Battalion Azov among the symbols of white supremacist groups. However, the Azov Battalion is the official regiment of Ukraine’s armed forces.Such treatment of its symbol is an offense to those who defend Ukrainian territorial integrity. Although this Battalion indeed included more than an average number of those who published various radical political views, it’s not yet an argument to declare the official regiment of armed forces as white supremacist organization that has no ideology or doctrine except for defending Ukraine. On this issue read more in this article:Is the Azov Battalion a terrorist organization as 40 US House Democrats claim?

Anonymous ID: ba2560 March 1, 2022, 6:24 a.m. No.15752531   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Well, if the "Democrats" are making this argument then it is SUSPECT as hell.

not really. Democratss are communist hypocrites and will say whatever benefits them at the current time