How the fuck do you even pretend to know all the “major players” on an anonymous board? You really just go with your suspicions every time? You think that highly of yourself that you deem your perspective as objective? Half the time you people think every anon is OSS. You’ve deluded yourselves into accepting top level fuckery on this board/site. You’ve deluded yourselves into thinking you’re always right and OSS is always wrong. You’re hitting at least 10 logical fallacies every time another board war breaks out. It’s a fucking mess to watch. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you’re wrong? Can you accept or even entertain that possibility or is the cognitive dissonance too much for you? Until you play devils advocate with yourself and take that to the logical conclusion that maybe you’ve misinterpreted at least part of the situation because you’re a fallible meat sack and not omniscient, don’t pretend to have any idea what is going on here.
>elements of trust
Again, how the fuck do you have elements of trust on an anonymous board? Are you that naive? Or new? The biggest challenge of being in this community is that you can’t tell who is who, friend or foe. You can trust within the limits of 750 posts. Trust doesn’t carry over to anyone across breads, weeks, months, and years. If there’s any trust it should be between anons COLLECTIVELY and board staff. That trust eroded with fast jack, not OSS. When he took over the board, anons fractured. OSS at least was present to do the job FJ should have done, regardless of whether or not you agreed with his methods. There was never a universal consensus that he was the bad guy here. You created that consensus in your mind because confirmation bias and now you’re basing every single judgment on that false assumption.
>qrd: false premise, argument discarded
One last thing I’ll say because this board is fucking cancer and I can’t tolerate being here anymore.
>major players
In your deluded egotistical mind do you see yourself as a main character in some online House of Cards-type drama? Do you understand how even having that mindset might color how you view what goes on here? How that might lead you to dramaticize every word that’s said here, assume intentions based on your faulty premise, and plot and scheme like the jew you probably are? You turned this place into cancer. Into politics, gossiping, infighting, cliques, and cancer. Congrats, enjoy it.