Has anyone ever questioned the parallel between bread, crumbs and manna.. the way they sustain but quickly perish.. driving one to always be engaged and never be able to store for tomorrow?
because that's how arches are made
the only time Russians were evil was during the latter stages of world war two when each company had a jewish Bolshevik handler tell them to rape and murder.
learn history
You just became the highest-ranking anon. But it means nuffin to you because mafs.
Love you fren (no homo)
I want to give you something in return though.
At what point do we start talking about thebtwo witnesses?
I don't know who they are. Have never heard a credible argument
there is a reason they call its artificial intelligence. Its not even a match for the mind of christ in those that love him, let alone the father who created us and [them]
all I heard was Esau vs Jacob