I have friends laughing at me for talking
about how perhaps putin "invaded"
Ukraine to take out US biolabs.
I mean covid is over. One of the those
same friends was all "yeah I don't have
to wear a mask anymore at work starting yesterday". Just a coincidence right?
I think we were gonna release a new
Virus and blame it on Putin. Let the
sheep get a little comfy but not too
comfy then bam! Evil Russia let out
a new virus everyone! Let's nuke em! Ok say the the sheep! WW3 starts as well
as the vax passport bullshit. NWO wins.
But no. My friend says it's a war over fossil
fuels because Russia moved all their
money into crypto and that crypto is
backed by fossil fuels. How does that
even make sense? Russia probably
moved all their assets cause they knew
the nwo banks would freeze them out.
How is Russia owning a bunch of
Crypto motive for war with Ukraine?
Besides there's been a war there since
2014… ??
Maybe I'm the idiot. But my faggot
friends are all believing the fake news
and it's passing me off, sorry.