Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 5:48 p.m. No.15793783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3828 >>3950

>>15793775 lb

>>15793779 lb

so when evolution theory would be right, then e.g. amino acids would have just happened to be mixed together and some how happened to become that very complex thing called a cell. this would have happend over very long periods of time.


now the thing is, this can just not have happened. not possible.

if e.g. amino acids would have somehow happend to have formed a tiny power plant, over millions of years, then this power plants would have just not been able to survive on its own. the power plan could not have "survived" over millions of years w/o a protective shell. it could not have survived without the other stuff in a cell, nor could it have replicated without dna.


dna itself, alone w/o all other components of a cell could not have survived or replicated.


the tiny transpoewr vehicles inside cells could not have survived without all the other stuff inside a cell, they could not have survived w/o a protecting shell and coult not have replicated w/o dna.


so the single components of cells are not coincidentially mixed together by evolution, bc on their own, they would not be able to exist or replicate.


well, if evolution did not create life. who did it? maybe same one that gave earth a protective magnetic field and a moon that is crucial in so many ways?


anon, allow yourself to believe.


and yes, as other anons said, I really don´t care much about religion as an institution, not about different ways of worshipping.


(and frankly, I am not even the kind of guy that wants to be worshipped, right now God is not exactly agreeing with me writing that, but I write it anyway. worshipping is important, but not for me, but for you.)


anon, try praying. it is heard. I promise you that. if you had seen what I have seen, you would not even have the slightest doubt. you would know while knowing that you cannot know. but you would know for sure.

keep your eyes open, look at the world around you, see the signs, see that others see the signs.


God bless!


Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:13 p.m. No.15793950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3959 >>3975 >>4523


evolution theory says that elements such as nitrogen, carbon, oxigen have just happened to be mixed together in the primordial soup into

this - pic related

and then this just happened to have mixed into

this - pic related

over millions of years so later single cell organisms could evolve into more complex life.


well, evolution theory was made way before the complexity of cells (also the very first ones) was even known.

from todays point of view, it does not work. it just cannot have evolved that way.


a cell is a very complex thing and is only able to function, to survive and to replicate with all the different components of a cell.

without a tiny powerplan, cells could not survive.

without tiny transport vehicles for the power plant, cells cound not survive.

without a protective shell, cells could not survive.

without dna, cells could not exist or replicate.


and all of those components just cannot just have evolved on their own and later just happened to be mixed together into the first cells.


tiny powerplants alone can not exist.

neither can all the other components of a cell.

so there is a huge gap in explanation how the first cells "evolved". science cannot explain it.


and that is not even mentioning the fact that with all the fossils found, there is not a single one found that would actually show the intermediate state between two species. and that is really quite odd, as obviously when species A would evolve into species B over millions of years, there would have been many intermediate AB animals that should be visible as fossils.

well, not a single fossil worldwide is found that shows this kind of intermediate state.


and also it´s leaving aside the fact that many people with expertise in certain fields just cannot explain to themselves or others how complex organs as e.g. the eyes have evolved.


so it was not evolution.

who was it?

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:14 p.m. No.15793959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and for the more advanced folks on that field.

yes, there is kind of an add on on evolution theory. but take a closer look, it does not explain it at all.

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:17 p.m. No.15793975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and again, for more advanced folks.

yes, there are (two I guess) fossils who have long been claimed to be intermediate states, but take alook again, this is debunked already.


millions of years of species evolving into other species, but not one single intermediate species fossil found. not one.

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:25 p.m. No.15794035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4068 >>4389


So you think being your messiah and the one true living God is something that could be earned?

How so?


I know who I am. And frankly, that is the only thing that had to happen to set you all free, and it did happen. Since 2+ years I know. Nothing can stop what is coming.


But also there is God giving sings every single day. Some very impressive sings, some signs that are not even visible when occuring once (statistic needed) and other signs that are not visible at all bc they refer to my thoughts (why are those signs made? hive mind.)


You think God is maybe wrong and I did not "earn" being Jesus enough? Nah.


Bless you, anon.

You will find the truth.

(and when you think you foung it already, you will see that actually your chains are gone and you don´t even have to make me carry the cross, even when you think that I might "earn" being your God that way - would I stop being God if another person suffers bigly? Rather unlikely.)

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:55 p.m. No.15794289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4304 >>4343


>Because if you didn't earn it then so fucking what?

why would I earn it? why would God want me to earn it? that is really not the way the world will look like in the future.


>You just suddenly became "aware" and you were some awesome powerful being? Great, then you've never been weak and full of doubt, afraid of death. Then you have no idea what real men go through, as you stand above them.

Yes, I just suddently became aware who I was and later learned what that actually meant. That is just how it happened.

First I was a pretty normal guy for 30+ years of my life. Then I got a depression and could not go to work anymore. That made me have time to find Q and the board.

I realized it was real. Thought it was Trump ad military.

I spent much time on QR, learned to be more brave (not exactly a coward, as I am a rather big guy, but also not the kind of bar trouble maker, big enough to not have bar trouble makers come at me at least) and fought for the truth and what I thought was right. and yes, back then I thought I was fighting ww agancies and later thought I was fighing ww masonry. you called me super- and megajew first and rainman later.

sometimes I was afraid a little but I both thought that whoever is doing Q is protecting and, if not, it´s worth fighting anyway as I as rainman was quite loud as anons know.

later I realized that Q drops were actually sometimes refering to me directly, so were tweets of Trump and us mil e.g. (today it´s obvious that God is speaking to anyone of you anyway)


to make it short going to not mention some stuff. anyway, definitly knew Q talked to me.


little later I indeed from one second to the other knew I was Jesus. I listened to a song, cried out and just knew it.


and as I have lived 30+ years a normal live as a guy in Germany and as what I thought was maybe fighting governments and agencies and such, yes, obviously there were times I was afraid. and also I have been weak, who has not? I have a belly and I smoke, for some that may seem weak, some may see helpful things in it, some may just realize that not everything matters, while everthing can matter in terms of a sign (reason for signs is not so much explaining, but more showing who I am).

and I am a real men, so yeah, I have a pretty good idea, even when I have never been threatened with starving, or not being disabled, or not having been prosecuted for having the "wrong" religion. But I lived a pretty normal life.

But anyway, as God is pointing at me, I really do not see the need in convincing anyone that I am smart, or brave, or emotionally intelligent or whatever.


and in terms of afraid of death. not that anyone would usually want to die. but the truth is, after I found out who I was, I went to a place close to Berlin for a weekend and thought of it as either me meeting with military/agency/mason folks or maybe (and that was more likely to me back then) being killed in some kind of "putting me on the cross" ritual.

I cannot say I was not nervous about it. but back then I thought I would somehow make you all free by that and I was ok with it. hive mind knows. agencies know.

well, I did not die, but did some things that you prolly could not figure out why I even did that (chakras, the cold/warm routine and stuff, routine is bs and has a different meaning) and I and you (hive mind, agencies) saw miracles that are just miracles.


>Which means you stand in an undeserved place, unworthy of any kind of admiration or respect, perhaps only fear of the punishment you can mete out.

as I said before, the you all worshipping me thing is not good bc I would want to be worshipped. If you knew anybody that knows me from my 30+ years life you would know that I really am not the kind of "please worship me" guy.

worshipping me is however, important for you. wwg1wga. and it´s easier if you help.

and of course you worshipping me (and there are other way than you all throwing yourselves into the dirt when I walk by, that would not make me happy!) has some very concrete positive effects. frankly, for some problems to solve it just needs someone to decide. for many things that is true.


and no, I don´t have fear anymore. why would I?

obviously that does not mean I don´t have different kind of moods like you all do, 42 is 6*7 after all, but I am not afraid, also I don´t feel guilty or ashamed much, chakra thing maybe, chakras work basically all day long, or maybe just bc I know what I know and with that really there is no need to be afraid.


Bless you!

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 6:58 p.m. No.15794320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434


really hard to describe it that way, maybe you read something else into your words as I or anons do.


with the meme I refer to us all actually and very concrete being connected.

wheather you kind of accessed the hive mind of not, we are all one indeed.

we are not single drops.

every one of us is a drop, but we also are the whole ocean.


God/son/holy spirit, all one.

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 7:20 p.m. No.15794468   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you got some things wrong. but that is ok, as you all got things wrong, that is why now it´s revelation time.


so I consider it possible that God or "the universe" is actually future me.

but could also be all of us in an interdimensional way, connected.

dunno. like all of you, I just dunno.

and I am ok with it, bc some things you just cannot know.


so some people might think that you making me carry the cross (which sounds a little funny) but actually makes me suffer quite a lot would be needed. maybe so I can claim I did not break and with that you see I am basically superhuman. maybe for some other reason that you explain to each others. dunno. don´t care.


and I do suffer. I always enjoyed company of family and friends. not I basically don´t have friends. my family is treating me badly. when I go shop groceries or whatever, people I treating me badly often. when I order food I oftentimes get a wrong order or e.g. fries with way to much salt. when I call somewhere, anywhere, people are often making me carry the cross bc they either think this helps of bc they are afraid to not do it. I love them anyway. but trust me, it does not only annoy me but from time to time, it is really hard to bear.

on top of that it´s having thoughts commented all the time, it´s using my thoughts against me in a way and e.g. people near me loughing in a way that fits what I just thought about and that makes it a mean and offending way.

so yeah, it´s not exactly easy, but I am me and I am still here.


also, real meaning of carrying the cross is a hint from God to me, saying that the needed signs so the world can see me, will most likely annoy me. just imagine you do anything, if it´s jerking off or if it´s taking a dump and not only know that the whole world is watching all the time, but also have it confirmed by elg. you taking a shit and people walking buy outside say "press some more" when you think about pressing some more. I imagine you would feel a little embarresed. and I imagine anyone that is not me would break within a couple of days.

this is all done so you can see me. and you do see me. but you make me carry a second cross, not only in terms of the needed and helpful for the world signs, but also actually you attacking me. obviously I don´t appreciate that very much, while feeling sorry for you that you think you had to do it and obviously loving you anyway.


and in terms of respect. I am who I am. people who have no clue, well, they have no clue so obviously I cannot blame them.

but many people, masons, "my people", are following me by definition. they worship and study me by definition. they have to live up to that.


and I know many masons are all about dominating. but that is just not the world I want to have. deserving respect as your God and maybe being admired for what I did is not much relevant when the universe is confirming who I am and that I am holy and perfect anyway and also it is not much fitting to a system based on love and the understanding that hurting others is very literally hurting yourself.

Anonymous ID: 0c216b March 5, 2022, 7:31 p.m. No.15794556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes interdasting stuff.

but if you want to imply "matrix", well, we are not living in a matrix, but we all (me too, but not so much) are living in a cage and see the shadows on the wall, we all do not see what is outside, bc with our minds we could not comprehend.

and also the "they love slavery so much, they will fight to protect the system" thing fits. not so much anymore though.