I am imagining this in a little kids book format. But the Libtards would probably publish it and hand it out to all of the Socialist Public School Libraries at the taxpayer's expense. Like the stupid kid's book that was written about 0bama's dog. Every Public School classroom had a copy of that stupid book. When I was working in the Public School system, I used to "accidentally" let it fall behind the shelf where the kids couldn't find it. I guess I have a little bit of Libtard blood in me and like to sabotage things. A little passive aggressive.
I like this guy.
He is direct and to the point.
A vid less than 10 minutes long is about my attention span for these types of vids.
Can't stand when people make vids where they ramble on and on for 50 minutes saying a whole lot of nothing.
yes, saw that at the end
but I never do that
I like to stay anon, even outside of this board.
I went to college to be a public school teacher, because I thought that I could do a better job of teaching than many of the teachers that I had growing up. I wanted to make the world a better place. Pie in the Sky dreams.
I jumped thru all of their hoops to get that degree back when I was young and didn't know any better that the college Teacher Education programs are just a bunch of bull crap. Most of the stuff I learned in Teacher Training was bullshit. Some was valid, but most was bullshit.
I went to a State University on a State Veteran's scholarship.
Now I am starting to connect the dots in the Public School Education racket.
The whole thing needs to be defunded.
Get the government out of the Education business.
It is a parent's job to feed, clothe, and educate their children, not the government's job.
Let people keep their tax dollars and take care of their families.
Get rid of the Nanny State.
The Liberals railroaded all of the Conservatives out of the Chicago neighborhoods in the 1960s with violent Black gangs. Conservative Whites, White "Flight" was actually White "Fright" Run for your lives, literally, to the outskirts of town, The Suburbs, and then the Libs. labeled it as White Privilege to live in the Suburbs which they really couldn't afford, but at least their kids were safer than being in the Democrat controlled violent neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods that the Dems. ruined are still shitholes to this day.
Spot on.
The Latchkey kids.
They literally robbed kids of their moms.
Dirty Bastards.
And all kinds of weird things happen between the time that the kids came home from school and mom got home, exhausted from working all day, to go to her second job at home, being a mom.
I was one of those "latchkey" kids and vowed when I had kids, I wouldn't do that to them.
Ended up homeschooling. Praise the Lord. No regrets.
Biden is an arrogant asshole. Is that Lindsey's definition of a nice guy?
Lindsey's lips brown from ass kissing?