need to remove dead link in notables for #20004
They are purposely being as absurd as they can to see how many people wake up to just how absurd they really are.
on each end of the text for red text
pretty sure being respectful is what has gotten us to this mess. maybe they need to hear some wrath
>get bored and stfu
very, very doubtful. she's a petty vindictive scorned little bitch who apparently doesn't have a job and is able to spaz out 24/7
hmmm….it's not on the claim list. does that mean jim blocks it from being claimed or does q sign in within the time frame?
dude is only 71 but looks pretty decrepit
nearly 50 posts of this shit. quit it. it's fucking spam at this point.
he also sings?
fuck off
why in the hell would anyone keep performing under those circumstances? just retire already. damn