nEw jNSiDeR!
>I've had COVID for the past two weeks
>Still thinks the COVID tests can tell you if you have COVID
>>still thinks COVID is imaginary.
Never said that. Though I don't know. Neither do those trying to convince you.
>prolly just imagining the symptoms of the illness
Prolly, or you're sick with something else and tested positive for COVID.
There are other diseases out there you know?
>I never tested for COVID. Why would I when I have it?
How do you know you have it if you didn't test for it?
>And what is this other illness where you lose your sense of taste and smell and have a every symptom of COVID?
The flu?
>That's illogical
>If it's COVID and you find out COVID is DOVID,
>who cares? It's a rose by any other name
COVID is a buzzword for attention, nothing else.
>Explain the death count increase of over half a million people over the previous year.
Determined by a faulty test.
What's to explain?
>over half a million people over the previous year.
Sauce that shit nigga. 'Cause my data says otherwise.
>Not sure where there is different data, but if you have it
My bad, I was thinking of the previous year.
Which should be tellingโฆ
Anyways, anons here have given you many better explanations than a made up "virus"