Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 9:40 a.m. No.15839932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0239 >>0386 >>0526 >>0547





UPDATE Air France #AF422 is declaring an emergency and diverting to Brest, not often this airport sees a Dreamliner

Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 9:43 a.m. No.15839953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0085 >>0247

Putin: Bombed Hospital Was Really Bioweapon Storage Facility


Tales of the Russian military indiscriminately bombing a maternity ward brimming with civilians and pregnant women are either exaggerated or outright inaccurate, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on a Wednesday evening telephone call with Donald Trump.


A Mar-a-Lago source privy to that call told Real Raw News that, according to Putin, the maternity and children’s hospital in southern Ukraine was a bioweapon storage facility that held weaponized smallpox and other lethal pathogens. Putin insisted Zelenskyy knew of the toxins and said he’d given the Ukrainian president a stern admonition in advance of the strike: Evacuate your people, but don’t touch the weapons, because we’ll be watching.


“Putin told Trump that Zelenskyy got 24-hour notice and could have easily cleared the ward. True or not, Putin says he would have guaranteed patients safe passage to a nearby hospital.”


His voice quavering, Putin also told Trump that he regretted loss of life, but said Zelenskyy was responsible because he cowardly hid weapons of mass destruction behind human shields. Moreover, Putin refuted a Mariupol city council statement claiming that Russian bombs had obliterated not only the hospital but also several city blocks.


“Five people died, President Trump, and, yes, that is regrettable. But our strikes were surgical. Reports placed more than 200 people in the building. If I wanted to kill Ukrainians, your Western news would report 200 dead, not five people. Zelenskyy refused to have those people evacuated, and we told him. Its on his head, not mine. This filth care about protecting those that pay him, not civilian lives,” Putin reportedly said to Trump.


When Trump asked if reports of thermobaric weapons being deployed were correct, Putin said, “Yes, I had no choice. We must use ordnance that burns hot enough to destroy pathogen. Conventional bombs do not do that, President Trump. But I was careful as could be.”


The biologic weapons, Putin added, had been stored unsafely and haphazardly in standard vaccine freezers on a floor beneath the maternity ward. Consequently, one misstep could have caused hundreds of thousands of preventable fatalities.


Ebola, smallpox, plague—the rogue’s gallery of highly infectious deadly pathogens is frighteningly long and their ability to cause disaster is great, which is why BSL-4 pathogens are typically studied under scrutiny and within the tightly controlled confines of a biosafety level 4 (BSL4) facility.


Yet Putin said the bombed hospital had no safeguards, no safety protocols, and that the slipshod hospital was an ecological disaster waiting to happen.


“Believe me, nobody is more in line with what you’re doing than me, but you know I can’t say that in public. This will be the biggest reveal when it’s known, but right now, President Putin, Sleepy Joe and the Lamestream News are going absolutely crazy saying you’re killing women and children. Trust me, many people I’ve talked to understand what you’re going through. What you’re doing is something like we’ve never seen before,” Trump told Putin.


Putin closed the call in saying they’d speak again soon; he had work to accomplish.

Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.15840123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0181



President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues,


Today, we will discuss a set of measures to minimise the consequences of sanctions on the Russian economy and the people of our country.


We communicate on these issues almost every day. I just discussed a number of them with the Prime Minister.


Let’s get to work. I would like Mr Mishustin to start the discussion.


Please go ahead, Mr Mishustin.


Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin: Mr President, colleagues,


Mr President, under your instructions, the Government is working to increase the stability of the economy amid the unprecedented increase in external pressure.


A special headquarters has been formed, which coordinates the activities of all departments, including at the regional level. We are monitoring the situation practically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the assistance from business leaders and expert community associations. Steps to protect the most vulnerable areas are being worked through sector by sector so that all aspects of operations in specific sectors and enterprises are taken into account as fully as possible when preparing decisions.


Our core goals include protecting the domestic market and ensuring uninterrupted functioning of enterprises by eliminating disruptions in logistics and production chains and, of course, maintaining employment. It is important to help the people and businesses quickly adapt to the changing circumstances.


Two sets of draft laws with anti-sanction measures as the top priority, that’s about 20 draft laws in all, and the Government acts that are necessary to implement them, have been promptly prepared. They include specific proposals for stabilising financial markets, supporting a number of industries, ensuring sustainability of the domestic private sector, and also proposals for the return of capital to Russia’s jurisdiction.


A draft law to prevent manufacturing shutdowns has been prepared. If foreign owners shut down their facilities without reasonable grounds, the Government is proposing the introduction of external management. Depending on the owner’s decision, this will determine the future of the company. In the process, the key goal will be to maintain profile corporate activities and jobs. Most companies are announcing temporary suspension of operations while preserving jobs and salaries. We will carefully monitor this situation.


As for industry-specific decisions, we have prepared a package of measures to help the IT industry on your approval, Mr President. Thus, all relevant companies will be relieved of profit tax liability and inspections by regulatory bodies. Of course, we will continue creating conditions to attract specialists into this sector of the economy.


We have proposals on supporting the construction industry as well. We will simplify the drafting of urban development plans and the procedure for holding public hearings on them, as well as registration of rights to facilities already built. We will expedite the allocation of land plots and extend existing lease contracts if necessary. This will allow the industry to maintain a consistent pace.


Regarding the interests of transport companies, we will assist airlines in maintaining their fleets of foreign aircraft. We will introduce restrictions on countries that ban our ships from entering their ports. We will try to level out the influence of international companies on the operations of Russian railway transport.


The tourist industry will also receive preferences. We will suspend the VAT for companies that build and lease tourist facilities or that subcontract operations to other companies. This will be valid for five years after hotels or other accommodation facilities are put into service, including after a rebuilding. The owners of existing hotels will also be entitled to these benefits. This is how we will support this industry and give it new opportunities for development.


See link for remainder of transcript:

Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.15840181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0184 >>0239 >>0386 >>0526 >>0547


Meeting with permanent members of Security Council


Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with permanent members of the Security Council.


March 11, 2022


Meeting with permanent members of the Security Council (held via videoconference).


Taking part in the meeting were Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chair of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino, Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin, and Special Presidential Representative for Environmental Protection, Ecology and Transport Sergei Ivanov.


    • *


President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues.


We have an issue on our agenda that is not connected with the current events. But first of all, I would like to ask our colleagues attending this meeting if they need to exchange any information on the current events.


Mr Shoigu, please.


Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu: Mr President,


We are proceeding as planned, as we have been reporting to you every day this week.


I would like to suggest three issues for discussion and to ask for your approval.


Vladimir Putin: Go ahead, please.


Sergei Shoigu: We are receiving a huge number of requests from all manner of volunteers from different countries, who would like to come to the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics to take part in the liberation movement, as they say. The largest number of requests, over 16,000, has come from the Middle East. We believe that we should grant these requests, especially since the matter does not concern money but a genuine desire of these people. We know many of them; they helped us fight ISIS in the most difficult period, during the past 10 years. This is the first point.


The second, Mr President. In light of the uncontrollable arms deliveries to Ukraine from all parties (it appears that nobody is looking where and how much of these weapons are being delivered and who they are being issued to), as we have pointed out many times, we suggest turning the air defence systems, for example, man-portable SAMs, and anti-tank missile systems over to the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics to build up the combat ability of their militia. In addition, we have seized a large number of Ukrainian weapons, such as tanks, armoured vehicles, all types of small arms, and artillery systems. There are also many Javelins and Stingers. We suggest transferring them to the Lugansk and Donetsk militias as well, so that they can defend their republics more effectively.

Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.15840184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0239 >>0386 >>0526 >>0547


Finally, the third and more serious issue, Mr President, and I am asking for your approval. The General Staff has analysed all the measures taken by the West to beef up their forces near Russia’s western borders. New units are arriving every day, and they are deploying them at a time when absolutely nothing threatens them. Nevertheless, we believe that they want to take advantage of this situation and to saturate the area along the border with forces and resources to the maximum extent, and they will undoubtedly want to preserve this situation for a long time.


Consequently, the General Staff is drafting and has nearly completed a plan for reinforcing Russia’s western borders, including, naturally, with those new modern systems and the deployment of military units to defend our western borders.


We are waiting for your instruction, so that we can report on our proposals at the next Security Council meeting or in any other format, for their subsequent approval.


Thank you.


Vladimir Putin: All right, thank you very much.


Regarding the mobilisation of mercenaries from all over the world and sending them to Ukraine. We can see that Ukraine’s Western sponsors and the Ukrainian regime are not concealing this fact. They are doing this openly and neglecting norms of international law. So, if you see that some volunteers would like to come and help the people in Donbass, especially without pay, then we should meet them halfway and help them relocate to the war zone. This is the first thing.


The second, regarding weapons deliveries, especially those of Western weapons that have been seized by the Russian Army. I, of course, support the decision to hand them over to the military units in the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics. Please do this. I am ready to issue any resolution that may be necessary at my end.


The third matter deals with the reinforcement of the Russian Federation’s western borders in view of the NATO countries’ actions in this area and in response to what they are doing. This calls for a separate discussion. I would like to ask you to prepare a report on the issue separately. We will make the decision following its discussion in the near future.


Thank you.


Let us proceed to the current item on the agenda.

Anonymous ID: 7b0238 March 11, 2022, 10:12 a.m. No.15840247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0293 >>0381





UK Says Russia Confirms Use Of Thermobaric Weapons In Ukraine