Anonymous ID: 9ebe13 March 11, 2022, 10:35 a.m. No.15840446   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We, the undersigned, head of the laboratory of OOI - Semenishin O. B., bacteriologist, laboratory OOI Vacunar L. S., assistant-technician laboratory OOI Protsyk N. B., assistant-technician laboratory OOI Kobernichenko O. M, acting head of the Virology laboratory Romaniuk W. A., assistant-laboratory Virology laboratory Adamchuk, M. S., medical assistant-laboratory Virology laboratory Ogonkova I. S.,

on the basis of a letter of MH of Ukraine from 24.02.2022, No. 26-04/5362/2-22

and the order of the State Institution "LOTSKPZ of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" No. 59-B dated 02/24/2022 was destroyed by autoclaving, about which the corresponding entries were made in the accounting documentation (form 257/o, form 270/o and the inventory book of museum cultures), 322 containers with cultures of microorganisms - pathogens of infectious diseases, which are located in the laboratory of particularly dangerous infections and the virological laboratory of the State Institution "Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine",


They destroyed all the cultures (322 test tubes) on 24 Feb 22.