Dive Deeply Anons!
Into the ever flowing aquifer of eternal prayers
refresh yourselves while building the momentum for complete victory
TRUTHS and HEALING will abound
Dive Deeply Anons!
Into the ever flowing aquifer of eternal prayers
refresh yourselves while building the momentum for complete victory
TRUTHS and HEALING will abound
the way to hide abuse victims in plain site
invite them to your parties
launder money in their names
pass them around to those who fund further projects
crazy days and nights indeed
all those dizney kids grow up to be complete disasters and pipers of filth to the young
I've been to wrestling matches they definitely exist
They may be scripted and choreographed, but there is nothing fake about 300 pound guys landing on tables over the ropes
Table! Table! Table!
what's the logical explanation for committing (or not committing) child abuse?
if it fulfills a need is that your logic?