What are you talking about, turning off the OP function?
There is no OP function.
>hostile work environment….daily and repeatedly
sauce it or take a walk.
>too hard to bake during a rally bread
Spoken like a true patriot.
What are you talking about, turning off the OP function?
There is no OP function.
>hostile work environment….daily and repeatedly
sauce it or take a walk.
>too hard to bake during a rally bread
Spoken like a true patriot.
pb notes would be great.
I am replying to you because your posts reported for spam.
Didn't take out because you've posted rally links, anons might want those.
Are you an idiot RE bread hang when baking? All bakers deal with that. Nobody causes it.
Replying to let anons know.
What a complainer.
if u ever want to learn, baking is slow at first but pretty easy once u learn.
>>15850394 baker
>>15850431 noter
>>15850477 future bread (locked)
>>15850394 baker
BV set up a bake before leaving -
if you bake this one,
will his for a future bake.
anons please fill bread then will open next bread