I once pushed the OnStar button on my brother's car (Subaru) loaner while his was getting an oil change. So some OnStar beatch comes over the speakers asking if everything was okay. My bro says, yes it's fine. She says okay, have a nice evening. And then, right before she disconnects the line I whisper "Help me." We both laughed. A while later we roll back into the dealership and there's a Sheriff deputy there. I eavesdrop and hear him asking about the car and whatnot and someone whispering "help me". I grab my bro's arm and tell him we gotta get the f outta there. We get back in his car and peel out of the dealership. A few minutes later his phone rings. It's the dealership with the deputy on speaker asking if everything is okay. He says yeah, played stupid and assured them all everything was fine. We still laugh about that today. They weren't playing. But we were!!
It really is.
Once your eyes are opened everything makes sense. It then becomes the actions of the masses that are mystifying.
And then she posed for JailBait.com?
Hahaha nice one.
You sure that isn't Ukraine?
Very insightful. And accurate.
Russia won. Assad stayed in power. EU and US cried.