Anonymous ID: 7106c9 March 15, 2022, 3:11 a.m. No.15866763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6788 >>6815

>>15865417 Previous Notable

>>15865076, >>15865081 Oliver Stone - Revealing Ukraine


>>15865077 Old Bread

Do you know why it was started at the 20 minute mark?


Q 48

Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147640127📁

Nov 2 2017 12:44:30 (EST)

What is Q Clearance?

What hint does that explicitly refer to?


Who would have the goods on U1?

Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?


Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?

Why is this relevant?


(May 2010) BO "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran.

Who is the enemy?

What is being continually stated by all D's?

Russia is what?

What did the Russia reset really provide?

Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?

Why is the Canadian PM so important?

They never thought they were going to lose.

The calm before the storm.


Who is The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists?

Who really is the bulletin of atomic scientists?


Search, who really controls

Anonymous ID: 7106c9 March 15, 2022, 3:21 a.m. No.15866788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6809



What does it mean to watch the news?

What is a stopwatch?

What really is a stop watch?


Q 3338



Q 2647

Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?

[1 year delta]

Matters of NAT SEC?

The clock is ticking.

Follow the watch.




Anonymous ID: 7106c9 March 15, 2022, 3:30 a.m. No.15866809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813





Dinsformation is real.


Q 1605

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1a8b54 No.1926130📁

Jun 27 2018 12:31:43 (EST)

PS "Texts taken out of context"

PS "While emotional over the election, I conduct myself w/ upmost integrity w/o bias while undertaking any such investigation, especially a high-profile case against the POTUS."

PS "In hindsight, it was a bad idea to openly discuss my feelings, but, in no way did those feelings impact my ability to conduct a fair and proper investigation - we followed where the "facts" took us."

PS "I decline to answer that question on advice from counsel."

: When you state "where 'facts' led us" - what 'facts' are you referring to? To date, there has been zero evidence of any such collusion or connections between the Trump campaign and Russia." In fact, the only facts discovered thus far have been between the Clinton camp and Russia and other foreign groups…."

PS "On advice of counsel, I decline to answer that question"

PS "Because of the ongoing investigation, such answers may violate the security of such investigations………."

: "Mr S, I believe nobody here is buying what you are selling. I believe there was/is a serious effort on the part of people more senior than you to remove Mr Trump from office out of fear of what this Administration may uncover. I believe you are being dishonest in your answers and frankly shocked you agreed to come here today. I believe everyone on this panel (minus those from the other side of the aisle) knew exactly what your answers would be and if you think we are going to sit here and accept these answers you would be a foolish. We are also following the facts and once we uncover more (which we will) we will act accordingly. I'm glad you retained counsel - you'll need one and hopefully they are very good."




What is a countdown?

What really is a countdown?


Q 453

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158900📁

Dec 23 2017 16:40:56 (EST)

Side-by-side graphic?

Locate and create.[:22]

SEARCH crumbs : [#2]

Who is #2?

No deals.



How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?


Previous also logged in graphic form [10] + others?

Timestamps important.





Q 3113

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ebfcff No.5760023📁

Mar 18 2019 18:17:04 (EST)

What occurred the last time a countdown was presented?


Do you believe in coincidences?

Never interfere with an enemy……..

Ammunition is hard to come by.



