When March 2020 and muh lockdowns rolled around I had a son in his freshman year of high school, a daughter in freshman year of college, and my oldest son in the USMC reserves. The Marine has since been discharged because he wouldn’t get the vax. The daughter came home and finished freshman year online, then never went back. The youngest son finished freshman year of HS online, then, by the start of sophomore year we had him put in a free accredited online HS program. It was the best thing that ever happened. He gets the mandatory state instruction but on his time and not in the presence of zealous leftists teachers and thug students. When he needs help we are here to help him instead of a stranger. We also can counter the leftists woke drivel in real time and have him here at home where we regularly discuss current events and what’s really going on bs propaganda. It’s great here at anons house. I’ll admit we were really uncertain and unfamiliar with how to go about home schooling this way but it’s not as hard as it seemed if you just take it one step at a time. What’s most important is getting up the nerves to take the first step. Every step after that is easy.
BTW, these online school options must be wildly popular as there are usually waiting lists to get enrolled. We had a waiting list initially but he had a spot by the time the new school year rolled around. If anyone wants to get their kid(s) out of the public school and into online school for next school year I would highly suggest starting the process now and don’t be discouraged if you are initially on a waiting list. The longer you wait the more likely you won’t get a spot in time for next school year.