Chief Nerd, [18.03.22 10:56]
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A recent study carried out by scientists at Arizona State University and the Mayo Clinic, published in the journal Science Advances, sheds light on the possible mechanisms of blood clotting seen with adenovirus vaccines.
They discovered that the negative charge of the vaccine particle attracted the positive charge of a protein in the blood, platelet factor 4 (PF4).
As a possible solution to combat this, the scientists added heparin, a drug used to stop blood clotting.
When asked if the same clotting mechanism could be responsible for the complications associated with the J&J adenovirus-based vaccine, manuscript first author Dr. Alexander Baker replied: “I think it’s a bit early to say this is the main/only driver. That being said, yes, we did show Adenovirus type 26 capsid (J&J) can also bind to PF4 with a similar affinity.”