Anons…. hopefully I’m not the only one that has noticed this. Since this whole gas debacle has started, I’ve noticed a steady DECREASE in both my wife’s and my vehicle. I’m the OCD type that keeps track of every fillup mileage, goes to the same station, same pump, no change in driving habits, etc.
Since January to present (the most noticeable decrease timeframe) we are down an average 1mpg. And since this time last year, we are down 2 mpg. Our vehicles are new (less than three years old) and well maintained. Something is triggering my spidy senses on this. We should (historically) be entering the time frame where MPG increases a bit due to warmer weather and blends of fuel. Are they putting more ethanol in the fuel? I would imagine going to E10 fuel to say E15 or 20 would see no adverse running conditions of vehicles for the masses.
Are there top government officials invested heavily into the ethanol market trying to rake in extra profits?