(from pb Notables)
>>15907691 USNI tweet: Today is French Language Day. #DidYouKnow that the international distress call "mayday" was adapted from "m'aidez" which is French for "help me
Anon went looking to see when was the release date for the earlier movie, "The Fly" - wondering if it might have been on May Day, so like an inside joke with the "Help me" dialog.
Turns out the movie was released on 7/16/58, which was 41 years, to the day, prior to JFK Jr's death.
Someone helped him safely off that plane, the bread crumbs seem to be saying…
R? Arrrr? International Talk Like a Pirate Day is 9/19 (a palindrome).
Then Monty Python and the Holy Grail had a "Castle Arrrrrggghhhh". ("Perhaps he was dictating?")