Man can contract with man.
A corporation can only contract with another corporation.
A corporation can never contract with a living man.
But, if a man wants to contract with a corporation, then he must first become a "Person", and this allows the corporation to contract with the mans persona, and never the living, flesh and blood man.
This how Govt's have subverted the natural order of things. Statutes are not Law, they are Act's, that is to say they are pretense, plays, pantomimes, that can only give the pretense of Law.
The fact that they never told us, means that all Acts are frauds, and have no standing, as corporations cannot contract with Man.
But if we believe that they can, and we allow them to do it, then can get away with anything.
This is why they abducted Harry, to force the Queen to hand over the reigns of Common law.