was his handler also the CFO of all those companies? would be an interesting way to i.d.
bring a lunch tomorrow, you're on steady.
the whole idea that they found "muddy wallets" and IDs and personal identifiers smacks of 911 hijackerses' passportses all over again. passenger list fuckery and fabricated evidence oh my.
> https: //rumble.com/vy0coe-maria-zacks-earth-shattering-testimony-kansas-senate-hearing-mirrored.html
you link splitter you
probably relevant again in that anything posted here potentially gets messed with
trust kansas
anyone who doesn't own their own camera is a plant
larry johnson audio 09:15
if you see something say something
trust kansas
investigate larry johnson
investigate all the larry johnsons
yeah, creepy, huh?
gitmo variant
i betcha they are all working together on the biolabs and freeing the orphans
every refugee ww needs a multipass. would solve a lot of problems.
velveeta mein liebchen. mit der wunderbrot.
every spook is probably an officer of several corporations on paper.
makes children into pets, that you have to neuter them all ? unless you own enough acres ?
yes. entire thing. to manage the emotional oil tanker of the normies and land the whole thing shiny side up without a civil war, while defusing RINOS and dems agitating for a civil war.
conflict of interst, make the senate vote on it.
>>15923590 i can haz spergbot?
let me count the waze
"war pigs" would be some appropriate rally metal
grateful for the protection that a plea deal can provide against going to gitmo
observe that post carefully
he sprinted
the return of the son of spergbot
>>>15923009, >>15923022, >>15923124, >>15923032, >>15923053, >>15923135, >>15923279 PASSENGER LIST: Sum Ting Wong, Wi Too Lo, Bang Ding Ow, Ho Li Fuk, FANG FANG
obscures the actual dig with juvenile humor
Sum Ting Wong, Wi Too Lo, Bang Ding Ow, Ho Li Fuk, seriously?