I don’t have a video but there are countless news articles. Anyway, the best advice I can give you is to tell them that they’ve been fine in the 2+ years since COVID started and that there chances of a bad outcome if they get COVID are almost zero (0.02% mortality rate), whereas ther chances of a bad reaction from the vaccines are much higher. Maybe throw in a couple of stories/vids of athletes collapsing.
No he’s a prehistoric creature like me; the lickalotapuss.
Tell them it’s pointless. They’re young and, at their ages, COVID is harmless. Wouldn’t it be a shame if a person so young and healthy were to get vaccinated, against a virus that has a nearly 0% chance of causing a bad outcome for them, and then develop some life altering condition (myocarditis, infertility, unable to carry a baby to term)?
And he was perfectly healthy prior to getting vaccinated, and if he had gotten COVID he would have been fine, and the vaccines wouldn’t even have prevented him from getting COVID anyway. Tragic loss of a healthy young boy because people cannot think critically.
The smartest knife in the brick