>>15930096 NEW DJT JR (pb)
This man is an absolute fucking SAVAGE.
Yeah…. No.
This AshkeNAZI shit is way different than old-school Nazi-shit.
Are Jews really crying for sympathy, saying their struggle is like that of the Germans in WW2 now???
What is this CIGay-wizardry???
Is "future proves past", just so we can say, "I told you so"???
Tough-call… While I'm 100% against the jab. I'm also 100% against step-dads telling dads what they can and can't do with their kids.
Granted, this is possibly an extreme case. I say possibly, because we can't say for sure if they will have a reaction, or get the dreaded VAIDS. It seems very unnecessary for their age. That being said..
Why does Mom not have a bigger voice in this? Moms are favored by courts in most cases. Why is that not the case here? Is she not the primary?
The primary will walk all over the other person, in a family court, even in 50/50 joint visitation circumstances. And there is a difference between joint-custody, and joint-visitation. You sure she has joint-custody? Because that is rare. Usually someone is designated as the primary custodial guardian.
Need moar info.
Because many Saudis (especially the Royal family) are Don-meh Jews…. But, not Bin Salmon
They fucking drain kids of blood and shit. Catch up, anon.