HO LEE FUK, is this a representative example of how fucking gullible anons are? 40/43 SAPS? we're fucking DOOMED.
BTW, i have some land in florida i'm thinking of selling. very reasonable price.
HO LEE FUK, is this a representative example of how fucking gullible anons are? 40/43 SAPS? we're fucking DOOMED.
BTW, i have some land in florida i'm thinking of selling. very reasonable price.
it's a TROLL, brainiac!
>Anon leads with heart.
anon is a MORAN.
emotions arise in the limbic system, called the "snake brain," because all creatures from snakes on up the evolutionary ladder HAVE ONE.
reason, logic, critical thinking are HIGHER functions of the brain, and therefore when there is a critical decision to be made,
>Anons trying their best to help others is gullible now?
clearly you are intellectually challenged.
that post was SO OBVIOUSLY a troll. the SLIGHTEST bit of critical thinking SHOULD have told you it was fake.
it's good to have a heart. but it's WORSE to have no BRAIN.
bleeding heart triggered snowflakes are a big part of what got this country INTO the situation we're in.
actually i'm russian, and orthodox, so again, your triggered irrational response is DEAD WRONG.
cognitive dissonance. how's it feel? refusing to admit you've been duped, no matter how much evidence is presented. pride goeth before a fall. don't look down.
what makes me a jew? not being a gullible asshat? or not being too prideful and pigheaded to admit a mistake?
they can't resist, can they? and they can't quit, either.