Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:16 p.m. No.15938626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8669

Nine-Term Nebraska GOP Rep. Convicted of Lying to FBI About Foreign Campaign Contribution – Defense Argued FBI “Set Up” Congressman


Nebraska GOP Congressman Jeff Fortenberry on Thursday was convicted of lying to the FBI about a foreign contribution to his campaign.


Fortenberry was convicted on three felony counts – one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements (each count carries five years) by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles.


Fortenberry’s lawyers argued at trial that the FBI lured the Congressman into giving two interviews – then indicted him after he couldn’t remember all the details about a conversation he had with an FBI informant about the illicit campaign donation.


“Defense lawyers said the FBI “set up” Fortenberry after a national investigation fizzled into foreign money funneled to members of Congress. They said Fortenberry’s flaw was voluntarily meeting with agents and prosecutors to help their probe and having a faulty memory.” – AP reported.


Sound familiar?


Mr. Fortenberry, who is currently running for re-election, will be sentenced on June 28.


The Associated Press reported:


U.S. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska was convicted Thursday on charges that he lied to federal authorities about an illegal $30,000 contribution to his campaign from a foreign billionaire at a 2016 Los Angeles fundraiser.


A federal jury in LA deliberated about two hours before finding the nine-term Republican guilty of one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements. Fortenberry was charged after sitting for two interviews with FBI agents who were investigating the donor, Gilbert Chagoury, a Nigerian billionaire of Lebanese descent.


Fortenberry, 61, argued at trial that prosecutors knew that the congressman didn’t know about the contribution, but directed an informant to feed him the information in a 10-minute call with the intention of trying to prosecute him.


His attorneys said FBI agents then used false pretenses to interview Fortenberry nearly a year later and indicted him when he failed to recall all of the details from the conversation.


Prosecutors argued Fortenberry lied about what he knew about the illicit donation during an interview at his Lincoln home in March 2019 and a follow-up meeting four months later in Washington about the contribution received at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:16 p.m. No.15938630   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Congressman Jeff Fortenberry Found Guilty of Concealing Facts and Lying to Investigators Probing Illegal Campaign Contributions

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:49 p.m. No.15938809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869 >>8871 >>8934 >>9006 >>9169 >>9202 >>9213

French Lawyer arrested for Treason after helping Reiner Fuellmich prove World Leaders have committed Crimes Against Humanity in the name of Covid-19


Virginie de Araujo Recchia, a French attorney living in France who is participating in the work of the Citizen Jury with Reiner Fuellmich, was arrested in her home at dawn on March 22nd in front of her children. The arrest comes three weeks before ahead of the French presidential elections.


Fuellmich’s team have allegedly been informed the charges involve counterterrorism and possibly treason, and relate to the passionate work she does for the French people as well as the world, in fighting to restore our God-given rights.


At the beginning of the year, Virginie de Araujo Recchia, in partnership with her colleague Jean-Pierre Joseph, and two other jurists, filed a complaint before the head of the investigating judges on behalf of the associations, AIMSIB and the Collectif des Maires RĂŠsistants (Collective of Resistant Mayors) against the parliamentarians who validated a law on mandatory Covid-19 vaccination in August 2021.


This law forced millions of professionals to undergo experimental gene therapy or risk losing their jobs.


According to sources close to the case, she was working on a complaint against political parties and the actions of some of their members.


She had just made public her report entitled “Dictatorship 2020” accusing the government of state terrorism, attacking the fundamental interests of the nation and crimes against humanity.


This document was intended to form the basis for a criminal prosecution against members of the government…


Download the report here


This flagrant violation of rights demonstrates there is no more freedom of speech- and proves that if we speak out, as Virginie Araujo-Recchia has done, that we will be persecuted.


Even those who disagree with Virginie de Araujo Recchia’s message should know that their rights to free speech are threatened by such action. Just because you may go along with the “official” narrative now does not mean at some point you won’t disagree with it.


What happens then, if you have not moved to help another faced with this? You know this is fundamentally wrong, and against natural law.


This is a time for unification and standing up. We cannot continue to allow this tyranny to escalate. When Shakespeare said in King Henry VI “First, kill all the lawyers”… he was referring to the first step in destabilizing a society. For a society cannot be a peaceful society if it does not follow the Rule of Law or its Constitutions of God-given liberties. None of us is safe when tyranny rules.


The first casualty of war, as they say, is the truth. The next may be the lawyers and advocates, and then anyone else. Don’t stand by and let an arrest of a freedom loving patriot go unpunished or unheard. Please pray for her speedy release, her safety, and then flood the officials involved in this with calls and emails to protest this travesty.


If you don’t, this could just be the first in a wave of purges in the post-democracies of continental Western Europe.

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:54 p.m. No.15938836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8886 >>8934 >>9169 >>9202 >>9213

DHS’s Alejandro Mayorkas Builds Escalator for Asylum Migrants


President Joe Biden’s border chief has released draft rules that will allow low-level officials to quickly and quietly award the huge prize of asylum and citizenship to myriad economic migrants, without oversight from judges or Congress.


“What they’re doing is giving low-level bureaucrats authority equivalent to Congress as a whole to decide how many foreigners should move to the United States and become American citizens,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.


Officials “say it’s streamlining the process, which it is truly not,” Krikorian said. “The goal of the regulation is to dramatically increase the number of people successfully getting asylum and to speed that process up as much as possible.”


In 2021, Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, allowed more than 1 million economic migrants across the southern border, alongside the legal inflow of myriad visa workers and roughly 1 million legal immigrants. The inflow adds about two million people to the nation every year, as approximately 4 million Americans begin searching for jobs.


He is a Cuban-born, pro-migration zealot. The regulation is the centerpiece of his bureaucratic campaign to build a network of new migration pathways that operate outside the numerical limits set by Congress, and alongside the labor-trafficking networks run by the drug cartels.


The 512-page March 24 regulation converts the preliminary “Credible Fear Interview” process for new arrivals into a fast-track, full-scale asylum hearing, where migrants can get political asylum in a face-to-face interview with a low-level agency official.


Under current rules, migrants can ask for a Credible Fear Interview. If approved, they can stay in the country for a few years while a courtroom judge decides if their evidence justifies the award of asylum. The award of asylum is a huge prize — it allows migrants the right to take jobs, rent homes, become a citizen, and bring relatives into the United State via chain migration.


“This will only encourage more illegal immigration and fraudulent asylum claims, which is the Biden administration’s end goal,” said a statement from Dan Stein, the president of the Federation of American Immigration Reform.


The mass inflow cuts Americans’ wages and pushes up rents, but it grows Wall Street values for the business groups that fund the pro-migration advocacy by progressives.


The new rule likely will face a lawsuit by advocates for Congress’ authority over immigration policy.

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:55 p.m. No.15938840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8860 >>8934 >>9169 >>9202 >>9213

Florida Counties Open Investigations into Felons Voting in 2020 Election


A number of counties in Florida have opened investigations into whether convicted felons, ineligible to vote, cast votes in the 2020 presidential election.


A Politico report this week confirmed that investigations are underway after researcher Mark Glaeser began crossing-checking Florida voter lists against lists of the state’s convicted sex offenders and felons still in the Alachua County, Florida, jail.


In one such case, an election official in Alachua County is accused of registering felons to vote at the county jail despite their being ineligible.


Politico reports:


The probes or investigations are in varying stages, with some county supervisors forwarding information to local prosecutors and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement or handing it off to the Department of State. But it appears dozens of potentially illegal voters have been flagged in counties such as Alachua, Duval, Gadsden, Leon and Lake. [Emphasis added]




“As such, it is quite possible that some individuals who voted in the 2020 General Election had not satisfied all legal financial obligations or were otherwise ineligible under the parameters of the restoration of voting rights framework,” said Mallory Morgan, a spokesperson for Secretary of State Laurel Lee. “Eligibility screening continues without ceasing and the Department is hopeful that new FTE positions sought in this year’s budget will assist with this work, which expanded significantly in terms of time and complexity following the passage of Amendment 4 in 2018.” [Emphasis added]


Morgan added that the department was aware that several counties had received information and noted that they have power to forward complaints to local prosecutors. FDLE, meanwhile, has acknowledged that it investigated — and forwarded a report to local prosecutors — regarding allegations that a former employee with Alachua’s election office registered people at the jail even though some had felony convictions. [Emphasis added]

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 8:58 p.m. No.15938861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8934 >>9169 >>9202 >>9213

IMF Warns Countries May Cut Dollar Reserves In Response To US Sanctions Against Russia


Did the IMF just parrot one of Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite criticisms of Western sanctions?


During an interview with Foreign Policy, the IMF's first deputy managing director, Gita Gopinath, warned that Western sanctions on Russia, and more specifically, the confiscation of dollar- and euro-denominated reserves held by the Russian Central Bank, could backfire by making other foreign central banks more reluctant to hold such a large amount of their own foreign reserves in dollars and euros.


For decades now, the international dollar-based financial system has been underpinned by free market principles. Unfortunately, when western institutions effectively confiscate reserves belonging to an independent central bank, they cut against this notion, and prompt other nations to ponder the possibility - however remote - that they could be next.


Ultimately, it's likely that some countries will "reconsider" the wisdom of so heavily relying on Washington.


"We are likely to see some countries reconsidering how much they hold of certain currencies in their reserves," she told Foreign Policy.


While Russia accuses the West of trying to engineer a default on Russia's foreign-currency bonds by restricting its access to euros and dollars, Gopinath pointed out that the sanctions imposed over the past month have effectively cut Russia's ties to the global financial system, and a default (however technical in nature) would likely lock Russia out of said system for years.


"When you’ve defaulted, reentry into the market is not easy. And that can take a long time."


The IMF is already seeing an "increasing fragmentation" in global payments systems. On Thursday morning, it was reported that Russia and Iran are working on a global financial messaging system that could act as an alternative to SWIFT.


Of course, the IMF isn't the only institution to highlight this trend. Just the other day, Goldman Sachs released a note warning that the twilight of the US dollar's global hegemony could be at hand - citing the possibility of Saudi Arabia accepting yuan for oil instead of dollars (leading to deep fissures in the edifice of the petrodollar) - as evidence.


Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia's central bank had steadily divested its reserves of most U.S. dollar assets. But the dollar, euro and sterling still account for more than 50% of its holdings, located in France, Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia.

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 9:19 p.m. No.15938987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wisconsin School District Claims White Students Can’t Be Discriminated Against


A Wisconsin school district claimed state and federal non-discrimination laws do not apply to white students because they are not part of a protected class, according to the response a student’s parents received after they filed a racial discrimination complaint.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) condemned the “outrageous statement” calling the district’s “official position … that race discrimination laws do not apply to white students,” “patently false,” in a letter to the district superintendent.

“They think there’s something called protected classes, where only certain people are in protected classes and that there’s also a majority class that does not benefit from these protections,” WILL’s Deputy Counsel Daniel P. Lennington told the DCNF. “That is not what the law is, that’s what Critical Race Theory teaches, but that’s not what the law is.”


A Wisconsin school district claimed state and federal non-discrimination laws do not apply to white students because they are not part of a protected class, according to the response a student’s parents received after they filed a complaint alleging their child was racially discriminated against.


Assistant Superintendent Tanya Fredrich of Elmbrook Schools investigated the complaint and asserted “that the student is not a member of any class that is legally protected from discrimination by state or federal law” in a Nov. 17 statement obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.


The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) condemned the “outrageous statement” issued by Fredrich that took the “official position … that race discrimination laws do not apply to white students,” in a letter from President & General Counsel Richard M. Esenberg and Deputy Counsel Daniel P. Lennington, addressed to Elmbrook Schools and its superintendent of Schools, Mark Hansen.


“Not only is this both legally and factually wrong, but it is frankly shocking that a public educational institution could hold such a view,” WILL added in its letter.


“There is no such thing as a ‘protected class’ in the sense that some races are protected while others are not,” the WILL letter stated. “Black and brown students do not have different rights; they have identical rights to white students and must be treated identically to white students.”


The child in question was suffering from depression and her parents were working with doctors to address her health concerns, the mother who filed the complaint told the DCNF on the condition of anonymity. The parents discovered their daughter was failing, but said they had no idea and administrators would not communicate with them unless they gave the school access to the student’s personal healthcare information and open dialogue with her healthcare professionals.


The student’s mother started going to board meetings and Elmbrook’s Teaching and Learning Committee meetings, which she said seemed to focus entirely on helping low-income and non-white students, often advocating for the use of many of the accommodations that she claimed the district was refusing her daughter.


Elmbrook Schools said there is no evidence that the student’s white race, heterosexual orientation and middle-upper middle-class socioeconomic status were a consideration in any decision it made regarding the student, but the district said it “must be noted” that the student in question is not a member of any class protected by discrimination laws, according to the complaint response.


“To the contrary, the student’s race, sexual orientation and socio-economic status are what are considered to be the majority status and thus do not form a basis for claiming that the student is being treated or has been treated less favorably than persons not in the protected class,” Fredrich’s complaint response said.

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 9:23 p.m. No.15939004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9015

‘Words can’t describe the horror’: ex-jockeys reveal historical abuse in Victorian stables


on Lockett’s rise through Victoria’s apprentice jockey ranks in the 1970s and ’80s was like most of his era.


He picked up work at his local racecourse as a school-aged kid, which happened to be the now-defunct Epsom Racecourse in Mordialloc, where he mucked out boxes for $5 a week for Hall Of Fame trainer Jim Moloney’s stable, before finally gaining his riding licence in 1979.


He looks back fondly on his short-lived career.


But, like many in the racing game, he was physically and sexually abused at the stables by those entrusted to teach him the ropes.


The repeated abuse came to a head in 1977 when, aged 16, he was “accidentally” set on fire.


“Accidents happen, but that was an accident that never should have happened,” Lockett recalls.


Apprentice jockeys who were physically or sexually abused at Victorian stables between 1970 and 1985 are being encouraged to tell their stories as part of a civil claim seeking damages against the racing industry.


Some jockeys say they were left physically and mentally scarred, never to fulfil their dreams on the racetrack, after being abused as part of their “initiation”. Others, according to Maurice Blackburn lawyer John Rule, became champions, most remaining silent about what they were forced to endure in their early years.


Rule says he and his team have spoken to between 15 and 20 people who were affected by the historical, systemic abuse that occurred within the Victorian racing industry, but he believes there are dozens more who could provide further background to the case.


Some jockeys who spoke to The Age, including Lockett, are not clients of Rule. Two asked to remain anonymous, to protect their identities from people still working in racing.

‘I wanted to be a jockey’


Lockett was 15 when he quit school and got a job at Moloney’s at Epsom in 1976, about seven years after champion sprinter Vain had put Moloney on the map in the spring of 1969, winning three feature races across the four days in Melbourne Cup week. He idolised Pat Hyland, who won the Cup in 1985 on What A Nuisance.


But Lockett quickly learned racing wasn’t as glamorous as Vain or Hyland had made it out to be. “I wanted to be a jockey, and I was determined, no matter what I had to go through,” Lockett says. “They’d constantly do things like bury you in the horse manure pit, you’d be up in the silo, shovelling the oats down, and they’d lock ya and leave you in there for an hour and a half, just being smart arses. I could have died in there, roof on, dust and shit like that, but they used to think it was a big joke.


“But when you’re a 15-year-old kid, you don’t know any difference because you’ve just come out of school, and you think, ‘this is what work is all about’.”


One incident, however, left Lockett physically scarred for life. It was symptomatic of stable life in the 1970s.


“It was the first time I was taking a horse to the races to strap, so that was why they were initiating me apparently,” Lockett recalls.


“They’d dack ya, put metho on your balls, and some bright spark had the idea to light a match.


“They lit the match, and because metho has got fumes, he didn’t get right up to me, but he walked forward with the match and I lit up like a fireball.


“I was in hospital for six months and I went in two or three other times to get my skin graft under my arm done. I had no movement in my arm, that’s why I didn’t start riding until later in my career because it took me two-and-a-half years to get over the burns.”

Anonymous ID: a90d03 March 24, 2022, 9:26 p.m. No.15939016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

clowns have got the kitch atm with a left and right ball running cover whenever anyone calls out their gatekeeping or ridiculous notes bullshit


imagine the shit your involved in to be those guys

