Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 1:01 p.m. No.15943295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3391 >>3412 >>3427 >>3542 >>3713 >>3818 >>3872

I’m listening to Kash on Charlie Kirk and he says Trump came out with his lawsuit with they took everything taken into consideration; and Kash thinks its very likely to be a winner. Kash is explaining it now and its what I thought last night, freaking fantastic strategy.


Kash says Basically they cant deny RICO there are too many FBI, IG and Durham reports that confirms it was a criminal conspiracy under RICO

Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 1:16 p.m. No.15943412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3427 >>3451 >>3495 >>3518 >>3551 >>3713 >>3737 >>3818 >>3872


Kash is saying its an extremely well done lawsuit, factually accurate and if you read the first 3-4 pages you’ll see how well thought out and done it is.


Its exciting to hear a former federal prosecutor to say how effective this lawsuit and pleading is and how dynamic it will be. He said they thought of everything writing this lawsuit!


Charlie says this is gonna to take 10 years and Kash corrects him and say’s, actuallydiscovery can be done in one year.


Thats what I think and Kash thinks, that POTUS is going after, revealing the entire conspiracy in one year!


While Putin goes after the DS in EU and America, POTUS goes after the DS in government and business in the US, this is getting exciting!

Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 1:55 p.m. No.15943705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3732

>>15943108. PB


Stacy Abrams want to sit in the Captain chairs:

She’ll break anything she sits in, she could be leader of Captain D’splus sorry to say I’m surprised her body can handle the current weight on her body!


Restaurant chain specializing in fish and seafood. Like its main competitor Long John Silver’s, Captain D’s prices are a bit higher than the normal fast food restaurant as its menu mainly consists of full meals.


Today, there are over 600 Captain D’s restaurants across 23 states, mainly in the Midwest and South parts of the United States. Some of the most famous Captain D’s meals include batter-dipped fish, country-style fish, premium shrimp, and shrimp skewers, and cajun fish tenders.

Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 2:08 p.m. No.15943825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Mar, 2022 18:52

HomeWorld News

Whistleblower exposes Microsoft’s massive foreign bribery network


Tech behemoth Microsoft is bribing clients in the Middle East and Africa on a massive scale, according to whistleblower Yasser Elabd, a 20-year employee of the firm who published his testimony on Friday on the website Lioness.


Elabd claims the company spends more than $200 million annually on bribes and kickback schemes in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Ghana, among other countries. Worse, he says, more than half the managers and salespeople in those regions are involved in the graft – as many as 70% – and anyone who tries to stop the culture of ripoffs is shut out of good deals and ultimately muscled out of the company.


Employee claims half the tech giant’s salespeople & managers were involved in $200mn annual kickback scheme


While the scams took different forms, they often involved governments paying millions of dollars for software they never received, or “receiving” hefty discounts that never hit the customer’s balance sheet; the missing money would end up split between the Microsoft employees and government figures involved in the deal and the subcontractor, Elabd said.


“It's going on at all levels. All the executives are aware of it, and they're promoting the bad people,” the former executive told The Verge on Friday. “If you’re doing the right thing, they won’t promote you.” He claims to have spoken to five other employees who were similarly punished for raising the alarm about fraud.


The US Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Justice previously investigated claims involving Microsoft receiving similar types of bribes in Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Thailand, ultimately hammering out a $25.3 million settlement with the software firm in return for the company promising to terminate its contracts with a specific partner, among other stipulations.


Despite company president Brad Smith’s mea culpa letter sent to employees afterwards, in which he called the graft “completely unacceptable” and demanded stronger oversight, Elabd argues the problem has only grown, noting Microsoft is still working with the blacklisted partner through an intermediary.


While Elabd was able to stonewall a similar bribery episode in Nigeria, he was subsequently called in by a manager and eviscerated for his meddling, dubbed a “blocker” and ordered to “turn your head and leave it as is” if he encountered anything else “suspicious.” Apparently marked with some kind of scarlet letter from then on, he found himself shut out of lucrative deals, had travel requests denied, and was shunted to a “performance improvement plan.” He refused to subject himself to that indignity, a move that ultimately cost him his job.


That hasn’t stopped Elabd from tracking further fraud and bribery at Microsoft and its subcontractors. He claims to have documented bribes to Microsoft and its subcontractors from Qatar, Cameroon, and South Africa, and has forwarded that information directly to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Unlike before, he says, the SEC and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) appear uninterested in pursuing the matter, even though he has submitted the evidence three times. For its part, Microsoft has blamed the pandemic for its failure or refusal to gather more evidence from abroad – evidence he says they don't actually need because he has provided it.


Microsoft has essentially achieved a monopoly over workplace software on the African continent, Elabd said in his claim, pointing out that governments working with Microsoft were “throwing away millions of public dollars on unused Microsoft products so a few select officials, partners, and employees can enrich themselves.”


As the manager told me all those years ago, all that matters is that Microsoft earns as much money as possible … The hidden message to employees is, ‘Do whatever you want, make as much money as you can, and the worst that can happen is you'll get fired’.

Microsoft insisted it had “previously investigated these allegations, which are many years old, and addressed them,” VP and deputy general counsel for compliance and ethics Becky Lenaburg told The Verge in response to Elabd’s claims. The company stressed it was committed to “ethical practices” and said its employees are all required to take “standards of business” classes that teach them how to report bribery incidents.

Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 2:17 p.m. No.15943892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Mar, 2022 21:01

HomeRussia & FSU

Armenian PM phones Putin over Nagorno-Karabakh escalation


Moscow mediates as Yerevan accuses Baku of violating ceasefire in disputed region


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia called up Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday to discuss what Yerevan says is an alarming situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region populated with ethnic Armenians, claimed by Azerbaijan and currently patrolled by Russian peacekeepers.


Armenian media said the two leaders discussed reports of renewed tensions in the area that was contested during the 44-day conflict in 2020, which only ended after Moscow’s mediation. Armenia says Azeri soldiers have “invaded” the territory starting on Thursday, seizing two villages and using drones to kill at least three soldiers of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), whom the local authorities identified by name.


Armenia accused Azerbaijan of seizing two villages, Khramort and Parukh – which the Azeris call Farukh – located on the armistice line between Azerbaijan and the NKR established in 2020. The ensuing firefight, which involved Turkish-made Bayraktar TB-2 combat drones, resulted in more than a dozen wounded and three killed on the Armenian side, as well as unspecified Azeri casualties, the Armenian media reported.


Azerbaijan has denied the accusations, saying its troops were simply “continuing the process of clarifying their locations and positions without the use of force.”


Claims that “UAVs were allegedly used and an armed clash took place on the territory of Azerbaijan where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, leading to the death of our servicemen, is a lie and a provocation,” said the defense ministry in Baku.


While internationally recognized as Azerbaijan’s territory, Nagorno-Karabakh has been under the control of its ethnic Armenian majority since the 1990s, with Yerevan’s backing. Baku moved to retake the territory in September 2020, with support from Turkey. Moscow eventually brokered a ceasefire that left Azerbaijan in control of more than half the region, with the remaining territory – including the only land route to Armenia – patrolled by Russian peacekeepers.

Anonymous ID: d2dc94 March 25, 2022, 2:20 p.m. No.15943911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Mar, 2022 20:10


China negotiates secret deal in South Pacific – media


Here we go!


Beijing would gain a strategic beachhead under a draft security agreement with the Solomon Islands, the New York Times reports


China has reportedly negotiated a secret security pact with the Solomon Islands, setting off alarm bells in the US and Australia because of the potential for Beijing gaining a South Pacific beachhead from which it could block shipping traffic.


Chinese and Solomon Island officials are close to signing the agreement, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing documents leaked by opponents of the deal. If completed, the pact would give Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare the ability to call on China for protection, such as in cases of civil unrest. Beijing would be given rights to dock warships and access “all necessary facilities” on the islands.


Australia’s foreign ministry confirmed the authenticity of the draft security agreement and argued that its “Pacific family” is best-suited to provide security assistance to the Solomon Islands. It noted that Australia has come to the country’s aid in the past, such as when it activated a 2017 security treaty with the Solomon Islands to help restore order during riots last November.


The US State Department is building an embassy in the Solomon Islands decades after closing its diplomatic outpost in Honiara. Charles Edel, who is the Australia chairman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, argued that the secret security deal with China would degrade Australia’s security. “This is deeply problematic for the United States and a real cause of concern for our allies and partners,” he told the Times.