Anonymous ID: 7552fb March 30, 2022, 4:24 a.m. No.15975430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436 >>5464 >>5529



–TDU_Weight 5 points 4 hours ago +5 / -0

First… what language is it…


os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos


identifies as Quechua


Use the translator link below to translate Quechuan to Spanish

Select OpenNmt under Choose Machine Translation System Below pull down menu


And using the entire string you get this nonsense…


"Gentileza de las cálculos catástrofes catástrofes catástrofes que aseguraron las bellezas mexicanas,"


Using this Spanish to English translator

(Set your source / from language and target / to languages as indicated)


you get this…


"Courtesy of the best catastrophes catastrophes catastrophes that secured the Mexican beauties."


Using just the phrase kes mut'uˤh χirtːut from the full Quechuan string


kes mut'uˤh χirtːut


gives a translation of


Gentileza de los catástrofes que cambia a los ejércitos de Roma


Kindness of catastrophes that changes the armies of Rome


This is when I realized I had forgotten about the p=23… and substituted the occurrences of "p" in the string (there are two) with "w"…


os iqna sirwan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut warčaħ warχˤbos


and this pops out of the Quechua to Spanish translatorálculos%20catástrofes%20que%20aseguraron%20los%20catástrofes%20que%20aseguraron%20los%20bóviles%20que%20aseguraron%20los%20bos%20bos%20belos%20de%20la%20Iglesia%20Católica


Courtesy of the calculations catastrophes that insured catastrophes that insured the bos that insured the bos bos belos of the Catholic Church


With a little experience of how the machine translation works… a little bit of a background in linguistics… knowing the source language is quite unique… I finalized my translation to…


"Catastrophes were ensured courtesy of the armies of the Catholic Church."


Worth a look.