Frustrated Anon could use an Assist…
Trying to find info on JFK banning Bush from ever holding Public Office due to Nazi ties…
Saw this posted here a few weeks ago, trying to find source or sauce for this info..
Lots of info on Nazi/Bush connection, hard to hide.
Dark Legacy goes into this for example:
Part three (Dark Legacy) presents the Nazi-connections of the Bush family, which prompted the FBI to seize their assets during WW II, as Nazi assets. It presents the suppressed fact that Watergate burglar and CIA operative E. Howard Hunt was found by a jury to have been in Dallas and involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Hunt was a supervisor of the misguided CIA-led anti-Castro Cubans who broke into the Watergate. He is not only connected to Bush through Watergate; and through Bush’s father, Prescott; but five days after the assassination, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a memo, titled “Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy” in which he named “George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as the supervisor of what Hoover himself called the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” killers of the President. Bush has said he doesn’t remember the events of that day, but FBI documents place him in Dallas.. It is difficult to assess the stature and significance of someone who has been dead as long as John Kennedy. His killers have also been his detractors, actively desecrating his memory, as they did his body…
But can't find the other claimJFK banning Bush from ever holding Public Officewhich would push Bush over the edge and create Motive to kill him.
Appreciate any sauce… I'm Hungry…