If there is anyone on this board that believes we find our way back from this all encompassing seige then I have to ask you where is the evidence that leads you to believe this all gets turned around? 3 Republicans are going to vote to seat the most radical, pedophile supporting judge who has literally lied through her teeth all during these confirmation hearings and they all know it yet, she will be confirmed right onto the highest court in the land. This is a smidgen of whet we face as a nation.
Please explain to me what it is that you see? I've been around for a long time. I have been fighting this fight for a long time. I am just looking at the battle field and calling it the way that I see it. There is ample evidence to support my conclusions. If I am wrong anons then show me. I'll continue to fight but it is not going to change the outcome. Nothing less than a full blown miracle from God Almighty is going to save this country.