The only thing that will ever wake up the population is big name arrests and executions, perp walks to GITMO. If anon knew it would take 8 years for anything to actually happen they wouldn't have watched so closely or put any effort into anything. Kind of stupid to even try waking up the normies without massive big name arrests, its been 5 years and the corrupt news media still has a strangle hold on the truth for normies. Don't even bother trying to wake up your friends or family or anyone you know, don't waste your time until you see people like Clinton and Obama going to prison. If that ever actually happens before they all die of old age.
Jesus was a Galleleon Jew with dark skin and short black hair. Also the modern depiction that Christians worship is Cesare Borgia who was having a homosexual affair with Da Vinci. Cesares father the pope paid for the church to adopt his image as Christ. The more you know.
The only thing that will bring them back is massive habbenings like big name arrests and executions. After this many years Q shouldn't expect much cooperation without something to show for their effort. A single victory even.
Do a little research of history if you're not afraid to challenge your cognitive dissonance. The story of Jesus is a mix mash of older religions stories and the real person was a Jew that looks nothing like the image of Cesare Borgia billions of people worship. Cesare committed incest; he was a thief and a liar and a murderer who was butt fucking Da Vinci while he was painting his portraits.
Not at all. They haven't presented one dasting thing yet they are just regurgitating bullshit that's how I know its a fake and gay LARP just looking for attention. Q told you they would never post outside of here. Every single post on here trying to convince anons its legit is LESS ORGANIC THAN MONSANTO
The truth would put 99% of Christians in the hospital if they knew they were programmed since birth to worship the image of a faggo5