What percentage of American CLEo believe in virgin female sacrifice, warped into sacrifice, ito the black and white game of Masonic control?
Does every school and CLEO advertise what they offer thru symboology?
What percentage of American CLEo believe in virgin female sacrifice, warped into sacrifice, ito the black and white game of Masonic control?
Does every school and CLEO advertise what they offer thru symboology?
Who the fuck approved of masonic CLEO’s?
Either human or animal sacrifice
No either or, despite what necrophilics and pedophiles demand
There is no law in the United States if Union, county GA are the blueprint
C0demonkey hello
One up, the prosecutors and judges in most precinct’s snort coke before prosecuting poor over marijuana
Clown show
Can’t wait to write a book about the current state of western women, raped and molested by authority figures following brisitsh rule
Jim Watkins meets Will scott
Why does every clown get to have a family and partner BUT Christian’s?