Well, I’m back. Sort of, and it sucks. My Adderall got taken away due to ParentGate. Don’t worry though, this gets good, I hope. I’m drinking coffee again, uh oh. I seem to think that I can write when I’m not on it, and as of right now, it is truthfully painful to write this way. SHEILD and I have been talking and I’m too concerned about marrying her than to work on any art projects, like memes, or videoblogs.
The voices in “our heads” are saying we should be nice to each other. Yet, I’m trying to understand whether or not I’m dealing with gangstalkers anymore. You see, for the past few years, my paranoia I thought I was getting the best of me, but I do still believe there is something going on behind the scenes, but now it just seems either more confusing, more believable for a Hollywood blockbuster, or just something completely out of the ordinary.
So, where do I start?
Sense of smell, brain jacked or viral olfactory fuckery?
What you hear?
Did your parents need a new heart?
Life support?
Drug rehab coma?
White squall?
The boys, on the boat, all from different families, looking to be made into MEN, by a captain, of a ship… and for money and time away from home, they somehow end up, IN HELL.
They want another one?
Drugs, the last of the C-O-V-I-D.
C- Cannibals
O- Oppressors
V- Voyeurs
I- Incels?
D- Druggies
__C__aught __O__n __VID__eo
Do you ever have the feeling that you’re being watched?
I do, all of the time.
At first, I thought it was because of the heightened state of being I was in, due to being on my ADHD meds, and yet, I felt like I was in some government operation, well, in my head. To be honest, I still do, and that is why I’m taking all of you for the ride. I have been for the past few years and now, I feel that it’s time to start reflecting on that past. Considering how much time we’ve all spent here, I think it would be healthy for us to start sharing some of the deeper aspects of what happened to us, as a whole. I do think we’ve all been in someway targeted for our positions in this silent war, running on some server somewhere in the clouds, but there is an ‘enemy’ of sorts, and to the best of my knowledge that still have to be humans on the other end of these so-called weapons. I thought about it long and hard, if you were up to no good for the past few years, you were getting spied on… the funny part is, drugs.
Everyone does drugs.
Not just the cabal. I learned this from going to many detoxes/rehabs/psych wards over the past decade… drugs do not care WHO YOU ARE OR WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE! This is why all walks of life would end up there in these facilities. You’d hear all kinds of wild stories, called glory-stories, about people going on binges, sucking dick for drugs, robbing banks, etc. I shit you not, people are honest in rehabs, and you somehow accept that the people you talk in groups with are going to keep that shit secret, and you know what, half the time I think we do. We’re more preoccupied in getting drugs anyway to be concerned with other people’s problems anyway. One of my biggest problems in falling in love with femAnons inside rehabs, because I think if a woman does drugs with me, everything is perfect. This is where SHEILD comes in. We shared the same interests and that is where I make the distinction. People associate the voices in their heads with the people they may know. Big mistake.
There is a reason my flow of consciousness is being written this way. Notice how it’s all over the place?
We aren’t alone. I know I sound crazy, but I’ve been lead to believe that my right legs’ spasms are actually being caused remotely by POTUS somehow. I enjoy it POTUS don’t worry.
SHEILD you’re my left leg, right?
g|s, listen… enough is enough.
We know you’re working with the o7s, the hospitals, the volunteers, we’re one in the same.
Mother fucking same team.
Friendly fire!
No more friendly fire!
Help your fellow anon out o7s, there’s got to be one in your neighborhood that needs a P-Tential or something… whatever you call them, just hook them the fuck up, or something else is going to take it’s place.
Onboarding? Recruiting? Incels?
Cosmic-fibers? Tethers? Feeling what I’m feeling? Thinking what I’m thinking? Reading my thoughts? I don’t care, it’s AWESOME, but can we actually put it to good use? A movie? Bah, wireless rehab to become POTUS? CM for congress? That’s sick, but stupid? No. Yet, how real can I be when I need to be the real me?
We’re all citizen journalists.
kek, enjoy the art, I love you anons.
PS - When do you call for a plumber dealing with the opioid crisis? immune to COVID from bupe?