Still doesn't answer the question of why so many.
You're saying that the Jew Haters here are actors to make Jewish people look good?
Too convoluted…
Hardly makes Jews looks good, 24 / 7 vicous smearing.
All to make Jews look good.
Try harder, get a new script writer.
Jews Haters are Nazi, who want to rule this world
ASS was a Storm Trooper,,, what a coinicidenc.
I'm supposed to believe it attempted to destroy this board to make Jews look good.. And it was really promoting Jews.
That's so far fetched as to be utterly ridiculous
MUH-JEWS? Who are you supposed to be fooling?
Jews and other religious people are in the way of the NAZI
the NWO subvert all the religions as prep.
They particularly hate the Jews because Jews are stubborn and have fought them for some hundreds of years.
Jewish law of Moses specifically forbids all their favorite activities.
and yes, the NWO Jews were thrown out of Judaism and became atheists, since they needed freedom from God for their perversions.
The Great Teacher, the one who saves the groundlings from being lost in this world …. WAS a JEWISH ROYAL whom they killed.
They are terrified of their own sins.
And they love to hate Jews and to hate Russians (ancient homeland) because it reminds them of their multiply crimes.
So fortunate to have gotten rid of the chief MUH-Jew liar hater who ran this board for a while.
Now we can talk back to these scum;
They work for the mainstream, push the same "Q is ridiculous" narrative. and "Hate Trump" narrative.
What a coincidence
Feels good man, to be able to talk back.
ASS took away our voices.
so did Jack and Zuk and the bitch who runs YouTube and so many others …
It's easy to name the good outlets /platforms (none?) than to llist the colluders/ crooks? List is just too long.
yahconspiracywhich they denied for over fifty years.
like Barry said..
For generations they have been working to defeat free people so they could make their "jollies" LEGAL, without God.