Thank you baker
A little Tull to sooth the Soul for our bread shitters
13 MIN timout kek
Thank you baker
A little Tull to sooth the Soul for our bread shitters
13 MIN timout kek
awwwww did you get huwt
gud tune right?
might wanna learn how then kek
poor faggot shills trying to work off a lousy buck, anons don't give a fuck. We do it for free to here you reeeeee & for the actual love we have for our country and God.
These piss poor bastards aren't like anything we had in the past, clear sign of WINNING.
We wish you tards well & hope you see the light before the time comesโฆsoon (kek)
Noice & groovy anon like a Magic Carpet Ride
GROOOOOVIN anon hit me with more of those beats!
I was into later stuff too being a dead head kek
ummkay last one or Jim will ban me and 40 of the 86 UID's have filtered me kek.
moe. - Okay Alright
never know who lurks the boards do "we" anons
Thank you anon & kek on!
not much habbinings is there, we would know kek.
But even anons aren't sure sometimes ..when I break this out
from Idiocracy "I'M NOT SURE"
Any one see this before? was sent to me with tag "demon"