>capt greene kills rothschild(s) in epic pelican faggot suicide
cobra mad bout masked man+dates at tucker's gangbang >>16025828
>>epic pelican faggot suicide
>live by teh spam
>die by teh spam
faggo island envy seo farmers resort to professional memes for idolatry by proxy reasons
>>guatamala tragedy caught o film
>guatamala tragedy gets branding remix
el puto maricon hubbardjoto para meurte con queso
>▶Anonymous 43 minutes ago7bac6e (8) No.16025810
>File (hide): 116d02bfdc0370d⋯.png (804.86 KB, 848x634, 424:317, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)
>File (hide): 406fc586ac3b08d⋯.png (763.4 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)
>Forgot the other side.
>Will everyone get postcards?
>▶Anonymous 43 minutes ago97398b (13) No.16025811 >>16025911
>This is the perfect example of politician trash willing to exhort everyone to fight and die so they can carry on with their criminal activities. Rinse and repeat.
>"EU does not want Ukraine to lose, so it will continue to arm it - EU diplomat Josep Borrell
>Defeat is inevitable, because it will continue as long as there is someone to fight in Ukraine. Until the last Ukrainian".
>▶Anonymous 43 minutes agod5ec6f (16) No.16025812
>I will be hiding in Kansas?
>email and a PO Box listed too
>▶Anonymous 43 minutes agof5e0d5 (9) No.16025813
>File (hide): ef6ab8677324d20⋯.jpg (123.03 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Hi_I_m_Scott_Pelly_.jpg) (h) (u)
>▶Anonymous 43 minutes ago59b5a8 (2) No.16025814 >>16025820
>File (hide): b29630a57450856⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ac37f459ecd2bfcf4d993f8bee….jpg) (h) (u)
>is he a SEAL?