>>16036233 (lb)
There are countless stories of an elderly grandmother with a polio-stricken leg and 5th grade education (that took an active part in helping raise 13 grandkids off/on) that disagree with your assessment. I witnessed that woman skip upstairs one-legged to whip the fear of the one true God of all creation into a disrespectful youngin'. I witnessed this feat from a first-hand perspective because I was the little shit that came up with the idea of trying to outrun her handicapped self up the stairs at the matured and wise age of 7.
Needless to say, I found out real fucking quick that was a shit idea. As a repayment for her showing me the limitless possibilities of the human mind bent on giving empirical evidence for causal determinism (cause and effect) and physical potential regardless of disadvantage on the relentless pursuit of righteous judgement for the sake of righting every potential wrong in the multiverse (I threw some food against the wall when she wasn't looking because I didn't like the way it tasted/texture), and a renewed, impressed understanding of respect, it would be the last time I would subject her to a test of her (now understood to be limitless) capabilities. From that point forward, I would reserve delivery of my protests towards others in the same manner in which I practice charity:
>Consequently, I've been on a pursuit of my own to perfect a pot roast recipe worthy to be called comparable to hers (to no avail, yet)
So I disagree simply because that very same woman once proclaimed "That bitch shoulda known it was going to be hot. It's coffee, for crying out loud. All she wanted was to make some quick money."