Well, here's to Lev, Karl and Fredeich. May all of you burn in the hottest depths of hell for eternity for the evil you unleashed on the world. Fuck all of you.
Jessie Kelly is based. Until these motherfucking traitors are held accountable those that follow will do the same. Indct them, try them, convict them and hang their asses by their filthy necks. Scum is cleaner. And moar honorable.
Jessie Kelly is right. Convention of States to Amend the Constitution is the only way to set this shit straight. It's either this, or we devolve to 1776 2.0.
I changed the channel after The Masters finished up as I will not waste one second of my life watching or listening to these abject pieces of shit. Skunks vomit when they smell any of the msdnc media.
That's an oldie!!!!
Deep fake. Not real.
Left one possibility out. Progressive, communist/democrats would have the best odds. Well on their way to doing just that.