>>16051512, pb
>>16051621 pb
can't trust the polls though
where's the sauce / link?
fox? ur kidding right?
one on left has a funky left eye
nose doesn't match. lip seems different
Where is the image of the double from?
voice is different
not her.
But the lies are the same.
Double improves on the original Pizsack
What happened to the original?
not good enough to be an AI Deep Fake
Those are much better.
The new one is a better liar.. maybe smarter.
Maybe they had two models and first one defective?
rape rilly.? seems consensual.
He's was a crack head.
that's the total explanation.
Making a lot of money?
For people who know crackheads it makes total sense.
by the enemies of Trumps
so they wouldn't have to listen to objections around the electors.
they bussed in antifa from the north west, who were caught changing their clothes to try to look like trump supporters
they looked nothing like the rest of the very large crowd
that all was known immediately.
including the guards opening the gatess, escorting them to where they needed to go inside.
there are vids of antifa organizing inside the building with a lady with a bullhorn directing.
whole thing is illogical anyway.
None of the rioters had guns.
It's like a dumb Hollywood movie that folks are so used to believing' 'suspension of disbelief'
what dictionary is that, anyway?
changing definitions of words is a mind fuck
what? "unlawful" So they can pass a law against sex and call it rape.
nope. don't think so.
[RAPE [of Fr a ; ;e , F.] a Company, a
Rabble. Coaucer.
RAPE [Raya, L.J a wild Radifh ; alfo
the Snlkso Grapes dry'd.
RAPE [Rapt, F. of Rapcrc, L.J the
Violence, committed on the Body
>>man; aifo the carrying away a
yourg Virgin with Intent to laviih her.
RAPE [or the Fjrcji} a Treispafs don
in it.
RAPES [in Snffcx} certain Dr
of the Countv, much the lame as an HL
RAPE AV INE, a fort of fmall Wine,
madeo; Rape o\5>-a ks ol Grapes.
looking it up in an old dictionary I think you are correct, falls under
'Violence, committed on the Body '
and if it is on a child it'd be by definition violence.
i guess ol Barry is a rapist?
depends on how you define "violence"
Barry violated our whole Nation.
So did W. H.W. and HRC
as if he'd want to go see his 'wife'