Pls be wize and summarize- anons cant consune it all, list key take aways pls opls pls
black pilled still waiting for somone to actualy expose the truth in a way it cant be ignored. Until he media is fixed and the elections are fixed by hope is gone for seeing any justice in my lifetime. I however predict more criminal behavior and misery- I've not been wrong on that.
you meant like suprpessing teh news of Mr. Rim job Van Taylor so he wont get primaried? yeah. Then after Mr.Rim Jobs news comes out the Texas GOP REFUSES to demand his resignation. Yeah it's rigged.
disney is the distraction. who really controls disney?
lead injection is the cure, too bad it's so rare.
truth. but it depends on what CLASS you are in. Super rich and elected officials and high leve boorocrats get a pass.
shareholders. dump disney stop feeding them money.
does India have an extradition for Mr Gates? If no then why not?
he helped identify the soi employees on twitter.